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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year Eve...

🎢Aint no stopping us now... Leaving negativity wayyy behind... McFadden and Whitehead

Well, it's the beginning of a New Year... In 12 hours we will enter into a new season... Thank you God...
Never would have made it without Him... I am forever grateful... Hallelujah!!!

If we were asked to count our blessings for the year of 2022, there would not be enough numbers in the numerical system. We all have so much to be thankful for, but if we could name one, my #1blessing would be a sound mind. The mind is a powerful tool. It can build you up or tear you down. The choice is yours. 

So, as we venture into the year of 2023
 (change, progress and growth), let us remember to continue to love one another without restrictions and als remind ourselves daily that
Keep shining bright like a diamond... Release whatever comes to tear you down with the quickness and never forget 
                            Happy New Year πŸŽ‰

"Let's Talk About It"
* Your greatest potential lies within you...and as always
Peace and Blessings 😘

Monday, December 26, 2022

Day 26... Happy Holidays...

🎢"Tell everyone you see how much better the world could be for both you and me with the power of love"...                                    Luther Vandross 

Happy New Week...
Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Christmas... Tummy's are still full. Laughter still ringing throughout the homes. Everything is great and then reality shows up...
Time to make the donuts...πŸ˜‚

Did you know out of all the gifts we may have given/received, the greatest gift we could have given is love. Love doesn't get tired. Love never needs replacing. Love keeps on giving. Its the one gift that we never have to be concerned if its on sale... No no... It was paid in full once... We are now reaping the benefits freely. We never need to wonder because

Therefore we should choose to show love. In spite of what and how others may display their emotions towards us, the secret to overcoming evil is being good.  Love will always win ... Make a conscious decision to 
Have a wonderful day,.. Make it productive...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

"Let's Talk About It"


Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Love is the shortest distance between two people 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Day 21... Merry Christmas...

🎢"So I'm offering up my heart and soul and every single part I have to give of myself, my love is what I bring to you, as my gift to you"... Alexander O'Neal

                                     Santa Baby...πŸ€—
                   "You is kind...
                         You is Smart...
                        You is important"... Viola Davis. The Help
                                You are love 😘

                             Need I say more?
                    Have a Wonderful Wednesday 

 Let's Talk About...


Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Enjoy life. Its a one shot deal..and as always
Peace and Blessings 😘

Monday, December 19, 2022

Day 20... Merry Christmas...

🎢"Somday at Christmas there will be no war when we have learned what Christmas is for ... There will peace on Earth"... Stevie Wonder

Your worth is more valuable than diamonds.,.
      You are fearfully and wonderfully made,..
Your possitive energy put negative energy to flight 
       There will never be another you, so do you...
                              You are love 😘

What would our world look like if we were to take the promises given to us over 2000 years ago at face value? Would it look strange, dysfunctional, imaginary, etc.? Each day we are granted opportunities to be the believer of what we confess. Understand something please,

Life itself can present insecure moments, but the outcome of how we cross the bridge lies within us. We as humans make promises that can be easily broken, but there are promises within us that are never broken... We were promised to never be left alone or forsaken. We were promised to be the lender and not the borrower... We were even promised when life came at us really hard, a standard (hedge of protection) would rise and overcome all of life's snitches. The only requirement is to BELIEVE...
Believe... You, me, we, us are our Greatest Achievers. There is nothing that life may present to us that we are not equipped to handle. Its only a distraction/situation which comes with life... However, the key to defeating the distraction/situation is to believe in purpose, timing and continue to move forward....Because at the end of the day
                            Think about it Tuesday πŸ€—

"Let's Talk About It"


Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Tis the season of possibilities...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Day 19... Merry Christmas

Happy New Week...🎢"Early on Christmas Day, everyone looks for love under the Christmas Tree"... Luther Vandross

You are the greatest gift ever presented to the world... You have a purpose that can only be fulfilled by you.
        No one can take away what belongs to you...
                               You are love 😘

It's countdown!!!! Presents are wrapped. Lights are blinking. Bells are ringing. Kids are smiling with anticipation in unwrapping  the gifts under the Christmas tree. 

Although we are feeling the excitement of the unknown, we should never forget that

Live in the present... Live in the moment... Seize the time we have now. Yes, we must prepare for the future, but in preparation for the future, take time to enjoy the present. Afterall, within 60 seconds, its  considered a menory.

Everyday presents greater possibilities for each of us. We should 
We are given the gift of the PRESENT 
(moment in time)... Being in the newness of another day is the greatest gift any of us could ever receive. Not only on Christmas Day, but everyday with thanksgiving,
enjoy the present and
          Let's Talk About It


           Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938 

* Live everyday like it's your last day....and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Friday, December 16, 2022

... Day 16... Merry Christmas

🎢"No time for moping around, are you kidding, and no time for negative vibes cause I'm winning" 
                                       Mary J Blige
                                  You were Chosen...
          There's a part of you that longd yo be released... 
                                  Your are exceptional 
              Everything about you says winner...
                                    You are love...😘

There comes a time when reality hits and makes us realize the importance of our peace... Being at peace with ourselves allows us to be at peace with others. And to allow others to disturb it is causing more harm than good. Peace is like water. We need both to remain healthy both physically and mentally...

Place it back on the shelf/rack and keep it moving.
Yes, we as a people desire to see others achieve, but if seeing others achieve is causing us to loose ourselves, let it go...  Pray... Wish them well.... Move on..
The greatest move we could ever make in regaining our self worth is knowing our self worth. Walking away from toxic situations should never be done out of anger, no no, instead it should be done in the realization that
             Grab hold of your peace and move forward 
                         Have a Wonderful Weekend πŸ€—

           Let's Talk About It


            Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938 

* Protect and respect your peace...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Thursday, December 15, 2022

... Day 15... Merry Christmas

🎢"Ain't nothing like the soul of a woman that makes you keep on going when you feel like giving up"
                                   Johnny Gill
           You are more precious than rubies
              You carry the weight of others 
                   and still hold your own... 
           You take a licking and keep on ticking... 
You stand firm on your beliefs without wavering... 
                             You are rare... 
                          You are WOMAN... 
                        You are love...😘

 A genuine wonman looks pass most situations in hopes of of a better tomorrow.

    We sometimes want to give up but we remember
The strength that we have is very hard to explain. We wear many hats. We are super Sisters, Wives, Mom's, and Aunties... There is not a sport we have not played/coached. There's not a sickness that we have not diagnosed. If we clip a wing we will find a way to either stich it back together or fly with what we have. We don't need an entourage. We only need dedication from a few loyal individuals. Who can compare to the strength of a woman. 
            🎢"Aint nothing like the soul of a Woman"

Tribute Thursday...😘

                 Let's Talk About


         Creative Clothing Designer 
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Being extraordinary requires extra work
...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

.... Day 14... Merry Christmas

🎢" I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do, they're really saying I love you...and I think to myself what a wonderful world"... Louis Armstrong

                    Never underestimate your worth
                       You are your greatest asset 
Your wings were given to you. They were custom made                      to fit only you. Spread your wings and fly...
                                   You are love...😘

Once we open our eyes to possibilities, we suddenly realize that every answer to every question or situation lies within us....

Regardless of what others may say or think about us, the ultimate and only question that matters is what and how we see/think of ourselves. Our greatest defeat is not the defeat from others. Our greatest defeat is our mind. Whatever we think/believe about ourselves is a reflection of the life we live...

Our thoughts and words are the two weapons that can either build us up or tear us down. 

    You can achieve when you believe...

                                    Let's Talk About It


                             Classy Clothing Designer   
                       Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* You are enough...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Monday, December 12, 2022

... Day 13... Merry Christmas

🎢"There's nothing better than love, what in the world could you be thinking of, its better by far so let yourself reach for that star"... Luther Vandross 

                            HAS YOUR NAME ON IT... 
                                   YOU ARE LOVE 😘

Whenever we are faced with challenges, we should rise to the occasion and trust the process...

Yes, it is easier said than done, but if we were to recall past challenges and their outcomes, we would get so excited!!!  Simply because we know that our challenges are not our final destination. They are merely stepping stones to our next level of promises. There has never been anything so difficult in our lives that time and perseverance did not conquer. Challenges come to awaken our hidden strength. It helps us come out of our comfort zone and places us on the "next level" path. Even if we stumble, or even fall, one thing is for sure, when we get back up... victory will be ours.

Understand,  your
It all begins with the mind. When your head is clear, you can think... Free the mind, and the rest will follow...

We must never forget who and Whose we are. We are prized as precious stones that can not be easily broken. We were equipped before the challenge arose... Everything we need lies within us. It's part of the journey.

 Raise the bar... P.U.S.H.... Praise Until Something Happens... We can and we will get through this realizing that 

                                "Let's Talk About It"


                            Classy Clothing Designer
                          Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*All we do is win win win....Make it happen today...
                              ...and as always
                       Peace and Blessings πŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜‰

Sunday, December 11, 2022

World Love... Day12... Merry Christmas

🎢Say a little prayer for the world, God teach us love... Though you think He doesn't care, I know He does. This Is Christmas"... Luther Vandros
You are a part of a new day... Smile.... You have your sound mind... You bring joy where there can sometimes be pain... You are love...
Change begins and end with us. We have the power to change any situation... Whenever we hear the word change, we automatically think of rearranging a person, place, or thing. 
However, change is/can sometimes be having
In sharing this form of change, not only does it reflect a genuine side of us, but it also reflects that deep within each of us there lies a source of light that never burns out... That light of LOVE...
If we put a little more love in our heart, we will  experience how the world could be a better place for both you and me.

Happy New Week πŸ˜€

          Let's Talk About It


          Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Love conquers all... Become a conqueror
...and as always Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Friday, December 9, 2022

One Brick at a Time... Day 9... Merry Christmas

Finally Friday...

🎢cause he's the perfect compliment, 'cause I'm a boss in my world, but when we're together, he just makes me feel like his girl"... India Arie

With all the distractions that we encoounter in our lives on a daily basis, we can sometimes forget the importance of reminding others that they matter. Sharing a kind word, a smile, a hug, or sometimes a listening ear, can be the best medicine without a prescription. Reminding others on how awesome they are, can sometimes heal far better than a doctor's office visit.
            Building others helps to also build oneself...

If we build brick by brick, eventually, together, we can build a stronger foundation for one another.
Afterall, that's what being our brothers keeper is all about...
Have a lovely weekend... Remember to continue to give the gift that never stops giving... Give LOVE

                     "Let's Talk About It"


                       Classy Clothing Designer
Walls Design 252-327-4938

*I believe in you and me.. Dont stop believing in yourself...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Our Time... Day 8... Merry Christmas

🎢"If I want it, I can have it, I believe it. Got me falling , done with loosing, I can do it... And I'm not gonna to stop ''til I win"... Kelly Price
                                     Truth is...

Its our time... Time to soar with wings as an eagle. Its time to let go of things that no longer challenge us to become the best version of ourselves.
The successful element to letting go is being able to let go without looking back... Maintaining a healthy mind, body and soul requires us to forgive and move on. 
         The only way to get past hard is to continue ...

If we want victory, we must see ourselves victorious. Being victorious comes with a price. Sometimes the price can be challenging, but with self determination, and a positive mindset, there is absolutely nothing we cant achieve when we believe.

Remember this...
                       You deserve only the best..

                      "Let's Talk About It


                        Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Its your time to live...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

It takes Courage... Day 7... Merry Christmas

🎢"All we need is hope, and for that we have each other, and for that we have each other... And we will rise up... We'll rise up, rise like the day, we'll rise up, rise unafraid...
                                     Andra Day

Its not as bad as it seems...
You can and you will get through this. I am cherring you on... If you were not equipped for this, it would have never come upon you. Your greatest challenge requires one thing from you... 

 The choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation and conquer...

In order for us to learn courage in it's full capacity, we must expect challenges to arise. We must realize that challenges are only obstacles put before us to help us  build our character. Its like watching our favorite sport. We study our opponent carefully. We watch their playing tactics. Once we have carefully studied our opponent and their moves, we rise to the occasion and win the game.

Understand this...
We must exercise what we confess when we say that all things are working together for our good. If we never experience uncomfortable challenges, how will we ever appreciate victory?

Challenges are never meant to destroy us... Challenges along with courage teaches us that
Your greatest accomplishment came through your greatest challenge. Accessing what lies within us is our greatest weapon...
                        🎢No pain, no gain...
 Betty Wright
                       It all begins with our mindset... 
Once we realize that uncomfortable challenges as merely a situation, and not defeat, we can overcome/defeat whatever lies ahead.

                               ...Its Hump Day...
Make it Happen...

Let's Talk About It


Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Avoid the energy of defeat... See it as a minor set back to a major set up... and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Merry Christmas... Day 6

 πŸŽΆSo many times by holding back I let the good things pass me by and then one day I asked myself the reason why... Shalamar
                               I am proud of you...
You are really making an impact... Just know that there is not another person equipped for your assignment so finish strong... You got this... Make it happen...

These words should motivate and inspire us to feel good about ourselves. They should make us want to be the best version of ourselves. They feed us energy that leads action. However, there is one thing that is has a tendency to show up and linger... One word.                                                     Procrastination 
 Yes, we are all guilty of this. We like the thought of making our dream a reality, but oftentimes delay it simply because 
                 Nothing happens by thinking only...
Faith and love without works are only words. We must move forward with intentions. We must realize that
If not now, then when? Each day given to us is one day closer to our dreams becoming reality. Turn the table of fear into a table of productivity. We can and we will if we believe.. Lets do it... 
Bye bye procrastination, hello life of possibilities πŸ˜—

Let's Talk About It


Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938
* Don't tell people your plan, show them your results
...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...