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Thursday, November 14, 2024

Life be Life-ing...

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're getting" 

Forrest Gump


I hope that all is well with each of you. Me, ... I am doing all I can to cope with this thing called life..

 Oftentimes we are asked the questions what's the big deal to life? What makes up life? Ummmm. Has life itself  bombarded us with so much uncertainty to the fact that we have forgotten the purpose of our lives...

Is it possible for us agree to diagree and still remain cordial? Do we always have to be right in order to remain family, friends, coworkers, spouse, etc. Aren't we (individually) entitled to our own opinions? 

   ...  Perhaps ... Maybe ...


 Everyone is entitled to their own opinion...

If there is one thing I have learned during this election,  regardless of the party, it is soley based upon one's opinion...

While some may agree with one thing, others may disagree, but tell me ... does it make either of us right or wrong? 

 Finding a common ground to "agree to disagree" can sometimes be used as peace in moving forward... 

      ...IT is what it IS...

 WE the people were created to disagree. "No two people are alike..." Each of us has been given a destiny to life,  but none of us was given the FINAL Destination...


 Closing Remarks... 

What works for one may not work for the next individual and guess what...

              ITS OKAY

... we are all in this thing called LIFE together.

        Think about it...

      Let's Talk About It


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeap... life definitely be life-ing!!! Be true to yourself and agree to disagree!

Anonymous said...

👌🏾 thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you Valerie for this segment on Life and how opinions are valued. Have an amazing day 😘

Let's Talk About It said...

Tell me why you agree

Let's Talk About It said...

Even with grammar, we are opinionated. If you had a choice to be someone other than yourself, who would it be?

Anonymous said...

What I have learned during this election campaign is that it’s hard for me except the fact people agree with their beliefs. Be it right or wrong!!! Life is definitely life-ing!!! I can agree to disagree but I cannot agree with someone who views are so outlandishly racist. I can agree to keeping myself in my lane!!!

Anonymous said...


Let's Talk About It said...

Racism will always be around. You can't change that. However, you can change what you choose to entertain. Your beliefs are your beliefs and vice versa. Don't allow other people's opinions deter you from being the original you are. Let it be like water on a ducks back, let it roll down without confrontational acts... Life be life-ing, but it is still good... Keep smiling

Let's Talk About It said...

Thank you for reading. Can you tell me why you agree

Anonymous said...

I believe heaven/hell is each an every individual's destination depending on how you live that gift given to you by God called LIFE.
probably difficult of living (poverty) cause humans to engage in silly life style and fall out of track programmed for Them by the most high

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right.

Let's Talk About It said...

What is the one word that comes to you whenever the word opinion is spoken by a family member?

Let's Talk About It said...

Racism you will always
be with us... It is what it is... Focus more on yourself and what drives you to becoming the best version of you. Keep on keepin on...

Let's Talk About It said...

Totally... Each of us have a destiny...Learn what your purpose in life requires and "Walk it Out"
Keep on keepin on

Let's Talk About It said...

Tell me why you agee

Let's Talk About It said...

Tell me why you agree

Life be Life-ing...

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're getting"  Forrest Gump Greetings... I hope that all is well with...