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Sunday, December 18, 2022

Day 19... Merry Christmas

Happy New Week...🎢"Early on Christmas Day, everyone looks for love under the Christmas Tree"... Luther Vandross

You are the greatest gift ever presented to the world... You have a purpose that can only be fulfilled by you.
        No one can take away what belongs to you...
                               You are love 😘

It's countdown!!!! Presents are wrapped. Lights are blinking. Bells are ringing. Kids are smiling with anticipation in unwrapping  the gifts under the Christmas tree. 

Although we are feeling the excitement of the unknown, we should never forget that

Live in the present... Live in the moment... Seize the time we have now. Yes, we must prepare for the future, but in preparation for the future, take time to enjoy the present. Afterall, within 60 seconds, its  considered a menory.

Everyday presents greater possibilities for each of us. We should 
We are given the gift of the PRESENT 
(moment in time)... Being in the newness of another day is the greatest gift any of us could ever receive. Not only on Christmas Day, but everyday with thanksgiving,
enjoy the present and
          Let's Talk About It


           Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938 

* Live everyday like it's your last day....and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰


Jason said...

Thanks for the inspiration everyday cousin. You are a golden light. Thanks for being a positive light out here during dark times

Let's Talk About It said...

Thank you Jason... We all need some sunshine to get through dark moments. Continue to move forward knowing that better days are coming.

Anonymous said...

Hi that is right 😊 thanks and enjoy your night!! 😘😘

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...