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Monday, December 26, 2022

Day 26... Happy Holidays...

🎶"Tell everyone you see how much better the world could be for both you and me with the power of love"...                                    Luther Vandross 

Happy New Week...
Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Christmas... Tummy's are still full. Laughter still ringing throughout the homes. Everything is great and then reality shows up...
Time to make the donuts...😂

Did you know out of all the gifts we may have given/received, the greatest gift we could have given is love. Love doesn't get tired. Love never needs replacing. Love keeps on giving. Its the one gift that we never have to be concerned if its on sale... No no... It was paid in full once... We are now reaping the benefits freely. We never need to wonder because

Therefore we should choose to show love. In spite of what and how others may display their emotions towards us, the secret to overcoming evil is being good.  Love will always win ... Make a conscious decision to 
Have a wonderful day,.. Make it productive...and as always
Peace and Blessings 😉

"Let's Talk About It"


Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Love is the shortest distance between two people 


Anonymous said...

Great morning ☀️Yes love love love is what is about thanks and enjoy your day 😘

Anonymous said...

Great day great day happy new year to come and I love you all

Anonymous said...

I love you too
Indeed is a great inspiration

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...