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Sunday, January 29, 2023

03/14/23 Blame Gaming... (Mental Health)

Hello Everyone...
Well, we are now approaching mid-March. Tell the Lord "thank you"!

 Blame Gaming... O yeah, I'm going there.. We have a tendency to shift the blame on others so that we will have an excuse as to why we behave the way we do. Excuses... That is a No no... Taking responsibility for oneself is very important. Constantly blaming others can/will delay one's need of getting what is needed into becoming a better version of oneself. Yes, it is very easy to blame others, especially when we don't want to see the "man in the mirror". Release pride and blame gaming. Take full responsibility of the man in the mirror. Accept what it is and get the help needed. Talk with your physcian.  Don't try sharing your situation to a friend or relative. Why? Oftentimes they don't understand, and they have a tendency to pass judgement. Judging is not something one needs when dealing with mental challenges. Listening is what is needed... Talk with someone that will listen without passing judgement. Schedule/talk with  your physcian. He/she can/will get you on the road to recovery.
Again I say... it is very easy to blame others, especially when we don't want to see the "man in the mirror. Release pride and blame gaming. Take full responsibility of the man in the mirror. 
                     Have a wonderful day everyone... 
Keep smiling...

Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Dr. Prinzez Teel

Life Coach
Life Coach
Creative Designer...
Wall's Design..252.327.4938

*If negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, simply look at it and say NOT TODAY as you walk away...and as always Peace and Blessings 😉

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May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...