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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

2023-01-24... Pride.. (Mental Health)... True Tuesday

Greetings Everyone ... 
                       Let's Talk about It with Valerie... 
                        🎶 "Songbid"... Kenny G
A few days ago we began  discussing Mental Health and how prevalent it is in all communities.
We also discussed one of the ways that PRIDE can be released. "Being right all the time is not as important as what's right...

During this Open Discussions, one viewer shared her thoughts on PRIDE ...

Viewer Comment...
"Good morning Everyone! Great topic. As I read this the word Pride really stood out.... which is a human trait but if you're not mindful/ careful it can become a negative force in our lives such as mental health issues, anxiety, anger just to name a few. This goes really deep especially if we search it out in all aspects of our lives! We have to stop finding someone or something to blame! Facing the man in the mirror can be very difficult! Keep going Val.

Did/have you ever heard the saying"pride comes before the fall"? Its true... Many of us have the mentality that we don't need one another. Well, that's so not true. Everybody need somebody sometimes. We were not put here in earth to do without each other. Having too much PRIDE can cause each of us to live a life of denial...
                       Let's begin to heal inside/out...

What's your thoughts?

                 Let's Talk About It .. Open Discussion

*Search for assistance... Talk it out with someone that is properly trained to listen. Not a friend, or relative, co worker, etc... No, no... They can't comprehend...
Visit your Primary Physician or visit your local Human Health Services.

**Stop denying yourself the breakthrough that is needed in regaining access to you again...
                              Have a wonderful day!
and as always... Peace and Blessings 😘

Let's Talk about It with Valerie

Mentor ...

Mentor ...
Vvvvv BB 
Custom T-shirt Designer...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

***Remember... "Negative Energy..."Not Today"


Anonymous said...

I have it first hand and it’s been a tough seeing people face it with family walking away and it seem like nobody cares for you, but God does so I pray for those that face this challenge time within themselves that God protect them.

Anonymous said...

I think this could help a lot of people that’s going through this situation you first have to acknowledge that it is a issue and then you can move forward

Anonymous said...

This is so great we all get the help we need and I love reading but I enjoy the videos more thank you Val great day great day have a great day

Anonymous said...

First we need God's help as He will give us the right answer and tell us how to handle our problems the first time. God said in His Word, acknowledge Me first it all that you do, and if we do that we can be sure that the outcome will be good. It's okay to consult others as we do need people in our lives but God created you and He knows what each of us need, and His Name Is Jesus! Remember PRIDE, is one of the things God hates and it will cause us to fall. Live in God's Presence!

Let's Talk About It said...

Absolutely... It is better to talk with someone that has the credentials. This makes it more comfortable and easier to really pour out what is really causing one to feel like they do. Thank you for responding.

Let's Talk About It said...

Absolutely... Self Admittance is always the first step to recovery

Let's Talk About It said...

Absolutely... God gave others the teachings needed to assist those in need of help. Yes, we are to seek God great counseling so that He may direct us to the proper channels of resolving our issues. Thank you for your comment and support.

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...