πΆπΆ"Happy feelings in the air, touching people everywhere"... Maze featuring Frankie Beverly
Today we're going to discuss happiness.
Whenever we learn to love ourselves, the first experience that many of us have or feel is happy. We begin to realize that our happiness does not lie in the hands or actions of another human being. We realize that our true happiness begins and ends with us. Waiting on someone else to make you happy is pointless. Why? Because if we were to rely on others to bring us happiness, there will be many days that will pass us by with unhappy feelings. Our energy level would be minimum. Our thoughts would be foggy, and our physical body would feel exhausted. We must realize that happiness is homemade. Its not something you can purchase from a store. Its something that already exists within ourselves.
We should begin to research ourselves deep within and find the thing that makes us happy. And once it is located, pursue it. Nothing ever happens until we make it happen... Think about it... Keep smiling. Have a terrific Thursday... Find your happiness...
Let's Talk About It with Valerie
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*If negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, simply look at it and say NOT TODAY as you walk away...and as always Peace and Blessings π
Great points that seem to escape the concept of many. Your message reiterated the need for us to rethink our thinking and to become more aware of our mindset about what we deem is happiness.
Thanks for sharing
Dr P
Amen Dr. P.!
Absolutely... One has to know what makes them happy. My happiness may not be your happiness and vice versa. Simply put ... Do you
And it is so...
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