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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Page 4... CONFIDENT/Drama Free. Page 29

Confidence and peace are best friends. You can't have one without other...

Serenity... A state of peaceful, calm, untroubled...
Calmess...the quality of being free from agitation
Untroubled... Not feeling/showing anxiety

Being at peace with yourself makes it easy to be at peace with others...
These 3 words all serve one purpose... Peace...
It's the one gift that produces good results. Now I don't know about you, but my peace is so important to me. Living without peace  caused me so many problems. I are constantly in defense mode. Every little unfamiliar thing, causes me to either become anxious or angry. Living without peace not only affected me mentally, but it also caused me to encounter health issues. Blood pressure elevated, aches and pains, weight gain/lost, and the list goes on. A vicious cycle of uneasiness everyday. Drama at it's finest. Until I released the concerns of others and prioritized me, myself, and I. Now some may call that being selfish, but it was either release and recieve peace or continue down the road of Drama... I chose peace...

Is it possible for you be totally free from drama?  Is it possible to live a life of perfect harmony within yourself and others? Can you be so in tune with your peace that nothing on the side of drama enters your world? The answer my friends is blowing in the wind... 
 I have learned that everyone has their own definition of what peace is to them. It's not your responsibility to convince people on your definition of peace, however, it is your responsibility to be at peace with everyone. Your peace is your peace  it's not up for debate.
.                                John 14:27
Don't feed into it, Keep your peace by any means necessary. It's the one thing that is yours and yours alone. No one can take it away from you. You have the choice of giving it away or keeping it...Your peace is your  lifeline. It's the one thing that holds you together when everything around you is chaotic. It's a "go to" place of happiness... It's a place of hope... It's a place of love... Peace is a gift that you should want to  receive everyday. It's the one thing  that no amount of money can buy... Peace is within you... Grab hold of it. I challenge you today. Choose peace. You will be so amazed at the results.

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Where there is peace, there is joy, and where there is joy, love abides...  and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰


Anonymous said...

Great day great Thursday I accept the challenge challenge!!!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely the truth! No one can take your peace, you have to give it to them, Vickie

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... ๐ŸŽถ" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...