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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Page 5... BALANCED/Acceptance... Day 21

🎢' Tears don't mean you're losing. Everybody's bruising. Just be true to who you are"...

It's Mid-Week already... 
Hopefully all is well with each of you and you are ready to take on a new day of possibilities and productivity.

 Acceptance... action or process of being received as adequate.... What does it mean to be adequately received? Do you you feel pressured into being someone that you are not? 
Oftentimes we as a people feel the need to be accepted by other people  for the sake of a look, position or a title. I get that. But what I don't get is once you have received the acceptance, (approval)  how it changes who you are... Why is that? What is it about being accepted by others make you believe that you are not good enough to remain you?

Too many times than I care to remember, I would try to become someone else for the sake of others. I would do, look, and speak the way others thought I should only to find myself unhappy with myself. Now I know some may say that they never did anything like that, and that is wonderful, but for those of us that have, answer this...we're you relieved once you left that setting? Did you feel mentally relaxed? 

Sure, we should present ourselves in a decent and respectable manner. I am not saying that. What I am saying is this. You should never put yourself in a predicament as to where you have to compromise being you. If being you makes others uncomfortable, move forward... Trying to fit in for the sake of fitting is never a good look. Why? 5,4,3,2,1... You can only pretend but for so long. Eventually the original you will show up...
Understand something, there is not another you. You are a unique individual that does not need the approval of everyone to validate your uniqueness. Being accepted by others should never make you unhappy with yourself. You should always feel good about being you. 
If you are compromising you, you will never obtain your full potential. Return to being you and experience who/what you were created to be.
                          Psalms 139:14
Please understand... People that appreciate you for being you will never expect you to be someone other than yourself. You must find acceptance within yourself first. Be happy with you being you. And should you loose some associates along the way, so be it. They were only their for a season. You, on the other hand are with you for a lifetime. So accept yourself for who you are first, and once that happens, you will realize that being accepted by others is not a priority, instead it is simply an original lifestyle that makes you happy and acceptable within yourself...

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Accepting who you are is not an option, it is a lifestyle...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰


Anonymous said...

Vetta- took some encounters to learn this long time ago. I’m grateful I learned to be ME. Great message this morning Val, much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

If only you could send that message to every middle school child in America maybe the school shootings and suicide rate would drop. If only.... That would be a win for all of us.πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ’―

Anonymous said...

Great day great day happy Wednesday that is so true I love that if we can't be ourselves can't who can we be amen

Anonymous said...

Preach, Preacher!! Good read babe!! Keep 'em coming!!

Let's Talk About It said...

It all begins and end with you. Originality is the key to success

Let's Talk About It said...

If I knew how to make that happen I would get it out. Peer pressure (acceptance)is the major cause of all this.

Let's Talk About It said...

It's not a lesson learned until you go through the teaching. Doesn't matter how many teachings it takes, just so long as you learn and make a change for the better.

Anonymous said...

Great talk today love your way of saying how we need to do you not anyone else enjoyed and keep letting God use You ❤️❤️

Anonymous said...

Good morning...Great subject on today I had learn how to love myself a long time ago and not feel low self esteem for what others thought of me it is a challenge but once you come to realize that God is not like man that peace that's waiting for you Oh God..Thank you that message I felt that!!

Let's Talk About It said...

It's a rewarding place to be... Being true to you not only builds self esteem, but it also build respect for you and others.

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...