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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Page 4... BALANCE/Understanding... Page 20

🎢"thank God we were both able to see just how wrong we both were"

Understanding=sympathetically aware of other people feelings; tolerant and forgiving...

Have you ever tried to explain something to someone and it seems as tho' they are not comprehensive as to what you are saying? It can sometimes get to the point that it becomes a very heated conversation between the both of you. Words are exchanged, words become twisted, just emotionally detached... 
Now before you answer, please allow me to answer... Absolutely, Positively, Yes... O my... It can become so frustrating... It seems the more you try to explain your views, the more the other person struggles with understanding you...
Why is that? Could it be that you both are so busy trying to get your point across that neither of you are actually hearing what the other person is actually saying verbally and emotionally...
Yes, understanding others can sometimes be challenging. it can make you wanna holler, throw up your hands, and speak the famous Godfather words"forget about it", while doing the sideway hand gesture as you are walking away from the conversation. Only to find yourself going back to that same conversation with the same individual in hopes of gaining a better understanding from both sides... In other words, you want to be heard... 

Life has a way of showing us that although we are similar in many ways, everyone has different views/ways of expressing what they are indirectly trying to say. Some are direct(straight to the point), some are beat around bush, and then there are those that don't care. Whatever category fits you, just remember that at the end of the day someone took time to hear you, understand you, suggest to you ways of improvement, and most importantly prayed with you and for you...
                               Galatians 6:2

Please don't read this blog and think that I am suggesting that you neglect the understanding of what you can and can't do, no, no, I am merely suggesting that you become a little more tolerant and forgiving.  Express your concerns, do what you can, and always remember that understanding other people feelings does not  make you weak. On the contrary... Understanding other people feelings makes you human...

"Let's Talk About It '
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

"Understanding others is a reflection of others understanding you... and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰


Anonymous said...

Good Morning!! Another great read. It’s so true sometimes we can be so targeted at someone in a negative way until we can hear anything they are saying. Sometimes I believe it’s hidden agendas and they mask it in others forms!! This is a prime example how we allow the enemy to use us to attack others even though we say it’s in A Godly Love. Continue to be transparent about these topics!!

Anonymous said...

Hi that makes a lot of since knowing that our views of things are different but we can come to a mutual agreement! Thanks and enjoy your day!! 😘😘

Anonymous said...

You're so right. It's definitely difficult at times but it takes patience & understanding. Thank you!!

Let's Talk About It said...

Real Talk... So often pretend to be caring only to pry and once discovered, judge... There is no way you can judge anyone without judging yourself firstπŸ˜‰

Let's Talk About It said...

There is no two people alike. Everyone sees things in a different format. It may have similarities, but never the exact same views...

Let's Talk About It said...

Absolutely... Patience and understanding are the very best of friends...πŸ˜‰

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...