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Monday, October 3, 2022

Page 1... Trust/ Betrayal Day 3

Happy New Month... Happy New Week... Happy Monday... Let's get itπŸ’―πŸ˜˜

🎢"What's a man to do when he can't take no more"  Emotional Carl Thomas

Trust... firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something...
Betray...unintentionally reveal; be evidence 

When was the last time you really trusted someone according to the definition? Do you find it hard to trust someone after they have hurt/disappointed you?  Do you believe that trust is earned or given?

As quiet as it is kept, trust is one of the key wavering thoughts in any relationship, friendships, employment, government, and yes indeed family... Although we say it with our mouth, our actions show something different.

Point... You and your bestest friend are having a conversation of secret and you both promise not to discuss the conversation with anyone. It's one of those "carry to your grave conversation". Years past by until one day while talking with another associate/friend the "carry to your grave" conversation is now being spoken from the mouth of someone else. Yeah, they may not mention who told them, but you know within yourself who shared your conversation... Ummm... You play it off but deep within your emotions are going in many directions... There is goes... Trust gone...  That bestest friendship has been placed on minimum 🀏🏾 avenue... You know the saying first time dog bite, it's the dogs fault, the second time he bites you, it's your fault. Why? 5,4,3,2,1... You knew that dog had teeth...

Although you may be feeling some type of way with the broken glass of betrayal ,what if the table was turned? What if you were the one to reveal the "carry it to your grave secret" Would you be able to trust again? Would you place everyone in that same category?
 Oftentimes we place a thick shield of caution around us that causes us to not only distrust the author of betrayal (bestest), but it also causes us treat others with attitude... Do you think that is fair? Me, personally, I don't. 

Everyone has been hurt, disappointed, used, abused, in their lifetime. It's life... You are human... If you believe yourself to be the "one" that has never betrayed anyone, I salute you... You are a hell of an individual. Really, to be honest with you, I don't trust you for believing that you are beyond imperfections. It's like saying you never lie.. Stop the cap... You have/will tell a lie in your lifetime. Whether it be intentional or unintentional.
                           Romans 3:23-26
Stop being so hard on yourself. Enjoy life... Become life... We are all uniquely designed, but we all have similarities... Walking around with a shield has caused many of us to delay our journey. How? 6,5,4,3,2,1... By categorizing everyone with your past betrayals. Stop giving the enemy that kind of power. Move on. Understand this... People know when they have betrayed you without you confronting them. Sometimes you just have to be done with a smile. No need to give your precious time to petty actions... Forgive and live...
*Ponder on that... And if you still don't get it..." I'll just wait until you catch up with me"

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938
... and as always Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰


Anonymous said...

Indeed it is important to feel you can rely on others and likewise others in you, but we should realize that we will disappoint. Scripture tells us to “Stop regarding man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he?” Is 2:22. That's because we will certainly fall short and cause each other to put up guards of distrust and that's ok. God design it that way, because it causes us to work on ourselves and with each other to restore, but it takes a willingness and honest desire. Trust is cannot be a demand, it is earned. Even God earned it, even though God, Himself is trust! Let us all realize that building trust is a continuous job, that few chooses to labor, but trusting in the Lord is where we're sure to reap and rest. Dr. P

Anonymous said...

That's so true thanks u so much

Let's Talk About It said...

Very well said. It's not a demmand

Anonymous said...

Great day great Monday I'm sorry I just read busy day but I like this yes we're all human and we all make mistakes some more than others but who's counting we're not perfect but the closest we can get to being perfect it's the love and forgive

Anonymous said...

True, it is hard to trust after you've been burned. Don't let them get the best of you. Keep it moving, right? πŸ‘πŸΎ

Anonymous said...

Amen πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right that we have to forgive those who hurt,betray & disappoint us, however we don't have to continue to be their friend or allow them to continually repeat it.

Anonymous said...

Amen, be nice & keep it moving πŸ™Œ

Let's Talk About It said...


Let's Talk About It said...

That attitude confuses your opponent

Let's Talk About It said...

That part right there will keep you in peace

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...