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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Page 11... Spoken Words... Day 19

🎢"and I think to myself, what a wonderful world"
Louis Armstrong

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"  How many of you remember this saying growing up?  How many of you realize today that this is so untrue. Asfar as the east is from the west... never connecting,  so is this saying. Words can not only hurt you emotionally, words can also destroy a person's life mentally.
                                 "Let's Talk About It"
 Is your philosophy whatever comes up comes out? Or are you cautious and careful of what comes out of you mouth?

                          James 1: 19-27

Growing up in the 60-70's, it was nothing to hear someone call you out of your name. Words or phrases such as   you are stupid, n....., You ain't going to never amount to nothing, you just like your daddy, etc. Words that once spoken can not be taken back and can possibly destroy a person's life permanently. 

Some may disagree by saying, "well they asked for it" or "they deserved what I said" and here's my favorite, " if you don't want the truth, don't ask me"... Ok Judge John and Jane Doe, I get all of that, but what I don't get is your wording and the force behind your words. Now, I am not going to pretend that I don't ever speak first think later, Absolutely not... What I am saying is I am becoming more aware of my words and how much of an effect it has on others. Will I always be aware of this?... Nope... Will I try to improve?... Indeed... 

Spoken words have power... "The power of life and death is in the tongue" Your word is you bond that can either encourage or discourage. Got a question??? 
 How would you feel if someone you considered an associate, spouse, partner, co worker, family member, never had anything positive to say about anyone or anything? You know that person as to when you see them coming you mumble under your breath "o Lord here comes this" and then fake a smile...😏 Truthfully speaking, that individual is miserable within and if you continue to entertain that type of behavior, eventually you will become miserable. I am not saying you should have nothing to do with that person, no no, that's a cry for help silently. What I am suggesting is that whenever you are in this person presence, for every negative spoken word, speak life... Let your spoken words be a light into their dark world. I promise you either one or 2 things will happen... 1... They will receive and make changes mentally, or 2... They will slowly stop coming around you and find another prey...Whatever they decide, just know you took the high road.

Contact info...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Positive words/work create results beyond human comprehension...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰


Let's Talk About It said...

Say less, do more

Anonymous said...

Love this!

Anonymous said...

πŸ’― truth right here

Anonymous said...

A misspoken word is like a car accident, no one intended it to happen but once it does the damage can be noticeably massive. Without repair, it will continue to erode and eventually fall apart. As soon as possible it should be taken to a mechanic and restored. Such is the damage done from what we say to others and ourselves. If we know our words harms someone then it is not an accident, and even if said by accident, the damage is still done. We must determine to look to the One Who can restore what's been broken by our carelessness or care less mindset. Jesus will help repair, but we need make the claim for the damage that has been done.
Dr P

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...