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Monday, October 17, 2022

Page 10... Celebrate 🥂.. Day18

                               Let's Talk About It
Great Morning to you...

When was the last time you celebrated alone? Yes, I said alone... Just you... How did it feel? Was it a "calgon take me away" moment? Or was it a moment of sadness? Whichever you produced, did it bring contentment or is that you haven't learned the value to contentment within yourself...

🎶"Learning to love yourself, is the greatest gift of all"

Oftentimes we make the mistake of relying on others to give us something that can only be received if it resides within. Some find happiness only when someone is giving them materialistic things. But what happens if none of these things are given to you? Do you waste the gift called life because you didn't receive anything. Or do you make the best of your day just being content with what you have. Me personally, depending upon the day and my mood, I will buy myself flowers. If I want orchids, I don't wait for someone to purchase them for me. I get them for myself. Not being cocky, just celebrating...  And you know what, it feels so good...

Growing up in the 70's ,women were looked down upon if they bought themselves flowers. They were classified as being lonely or desperate for a man... I didn't understand it then, and I still don't get the concept of their thinking, but hey it's a new life, it's a new dawn, it's a new day and I'm feeling good about me. Therefore, when I want flowers, I buy flowers.....
Point... Say you're single and you want to purchase something that is categorized as a male purchase, should you wait until "he" comes along to shower you with gifts? Absolutely not... Do you... Go make yourself happy. If buying a new item brings you happiness, do it. If going out to dinner alone brings you happiness, do it. Whatever brings you happiness in that moment, do it. Stop looking for others to give you something that you haven't give yourself... Happiness is within...

Ladies... No man wants an incomplete woman, and gentlemen, we, (50+ women) some, definitely do not want an incomplete man. We are to accent/compliment each other. You can not build anything without a foundation... You can not bake a cake without flour... There must be a seed in the ground in order to reap the harvest. And with every harvest, there should always be gratitude. 
Having a heart of gratitude allows you to really experience true contentment from within. It's not something you can completely explain, but you know it's there. Take time for yourself... Not only is it a great mental break, but it is also a healthy break. Do it... Your body will appreciate/celebrate it very well.. It's like milk, it does the body good....

Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Celebrate 🥂... and as always
Peace and Blessings


Anonymous said...

Great day great Tuesday it's great to celebrate yourself enjoy yourself self love is the most important love once you love yourself you have love for others love is a beautiful thing it's a beautiful thing great day

Anonymous said...

Spot on Val! One of God's second command teel’s’s us we are to "love our neighbor as ourself." If you have no self love, how can you love others? If you know how flowers make you feel when you give them to others, then why not do that for yourself? Nurturing oneself from within brings about a sense of contentment and gratitude. If you are not ok apart from others, then you will excuse the same when you are with someone else (probably even more so).
Dr. P
Follow me @

Anonymous said...

I celebrate with myself a lot, because God is with me and I am never alone. God's Presence!

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...