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Sunday, October 30, 2022

Page 17... Communication/Family... Day 31

Hello...Can we talk... Can we talk about the importance of "FAMILY" communication?
How do you view the importance of family?.
Do you view family as a very important foundation or is it just a foundation?

Many of us today have for some reason or another strayed away from family morals/talk. We believe that they can make it without our family.  So not true. Take it from me, I may not agree with everything some family members say or do you me, but at the end of the day, we are still family There are several things that can cause division between family. Maybe it was due to disappointing matters, favoritism among other family members, different beliefs, or can I say it... Marriage... Yes, these things can drive some hard nails in the heart, but you must learn the 2 key elements to healing... 3, 2, 1... Forgiveness and Communication... These two elements will always remind you that
Yes, I get it. There's no hurt like family hurt,  believe me I know, but can I tell you that if you never confront, you will forever give others power over you... Now, I didn't say bring up a discussion with attitude, heck no,  that's more fuel added to the fire, what I am merely saying is that whatever transpired days, weeks, months, or years, should at some point be resolved. Sure, the pain may hurt, but how do you expect the pain to go away without treatment? What is the treatment plan? Communication...It's like walking on eggshells expecting them not to crack.  Impossible...You must find a way to confront and resolve all issues and realize that your immediate/distant family is a part of you that has helped enhance one of the best version of you.

Understand, before there was a job, a new house, car, new location, there was "fam"... You can deny it all you want, but when the tough was tougher, and the good got better, family (some) was always there to either encourage or celebrate you. True, they will talk about you, some will even envy you, but again I say, family is a part of you that enhanced the best version of you. Without them, oh well, you finish it.

Now, before you shut me down, take a moment to replay "before I got here" who was there for me?...
5,4,3,2,1... Family... You may want to claim yourself, or Friends, but in the real world it's called Family. There is one thing for certain and two things for sure, family is not something you choose, family is ordained/pre-destined.  Real Talk... 
                         Hebrews 10:24-25
 What would your family look like if you had the opportunity to choose? What would be so different about your choice of family opposed to God's choice?
Do you believe your life would be better off without the family you have now? Let's Talk About It...

Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Family is not an important thing, it's everything 
...and as always
Peace and Blessings 😉


Anonymous said...

Great day great Monday okay I accept that you have a point family

Anonymous said...

Family is everything unfortunately all Family don't think the same I am close to my family where as it have not always been that way but I didn't waver and now I can say we are Family it's takes effort especially when like mine we were so dysfunctional Love your Family that's the way God wanted us to

Anonymous said...

Grand Rising Queen, this was probably a tough but needed topic. I could right a book on that, but only God knows. Have a blessed day 🥰

Let's Talk About It said...

Absolutely. When all else fails, family will still be there.

Let's Talk About It said...

It's so real and needed. We need each other now more than ever...

Let's Talk About It said...


Unknown said...

Well said family is important and yes we need each other I love my family ❤️❤️

Anonymous said...


May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...