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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Page 17... Decisions... Day 27

🤗Well Great Morning to you. Hopefully your night was as pleasant as you are...
                             Let's Talk About It 
Decisions, decisions, decisions... O my what am I going to do? 
Everyday we are faced with the sometimes dreadful thought of deciding what to do in a particular situation.
Things like what am I going to wear today? Should I wear heels or flats? What am I going to eat for breakfast (major challenge for me). Do I want to go to work today? Decisions... Always something going on inside our heads... Is there ever a moment where we don't have to decide upon something? Unfortunately there is not. Even when we are driving to work, we are constantly making decisions... Music selection, quicker route to work, nice or nice nasty attitude. All major issues and guess what, this is all done between 0600-0800. SMH...

As strange as it may sound 
.                                     FACT
Choosing to not make a decision is truly a decision within itself. So, with that being said, let's talk about some tough decisions...
Tough decisions such as do I pursue my dream or do I wait and continue to dream? Do I move into a better neighborhood for the sake of peace and better living or do I stay where I am and deal with the same unwanted, unprotected drama Do I stay in this one sided marriage/relationship, or do I pursue my happiness alone? Do I pursue a better career or do I remain underpaid? These are tough decisions that many of us are facing today or has at one point faced. Some of us made the decision to take the challenge while many of us are still waiting on an answer that constantly pounds their heads. What's the answer... CHANGE... Yes, change... Although change does not always feel good, it is a fact that if you never try it, you will never experience better.

Each day that you are granted another opportunity called life should be a day that you have one thought. That thought is this...
Having this mentality not only motivates, it also helps you make the decision to grasp change and go for the unknown. Understand, nothing happens without your participation. This is truly a decision that is solely on you. So, what's it gonna be? Pursue or remain?  Do yourself a favor, make your decision proud ... 
🎶"Start with the man in the mirror, make that change" Michael Jackson...

Contact information
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Until you make a sound decision to change, you will always recycle  your experiences...Ponder on that.
...and as always
Peace and Blessings 😉


Anonymous said...

amazing keep the good work!

Anonymous said...

Great day great Thursday decisions decisions everyday every hour every second but we make them and keep on going never give up great day

Anonymous said...

Grand rising Queen, you know this was me. So grateful for the decision of change. Have an amazing day.

Anonymous said...


May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...