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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Happiness... Day 30

 πŸŽΆ"This is Christmas, let the world sing, let us all begin to heal... Hallelujah this is Christmas and with love we can begin today"... Luther Vandross 
                  Wonderful Wednesday to You...

In this life we will face many challenges. Somethings will be beneficial and then there are some that may periodically cause a few wrinkles to form in our forehead. 
Whatever the case may be, life, with its good self, will always bring goodness in every situation...

We may at times feel as though there is no hope and we should walk away defeated... No, no... Here's some good factual daily news...
    I, You, We... Are Possible... Catch that...
 That right there covers everything needed whenever faced with uncertainty. We should always remember that there is nothing that we can't accomplish. When we erase the letter "t" and  always see CAN, there is nothing nor is there anyone that can stop us from achieving...

          🎢"Who knows what miracles you can achieve 
                when you believe 
                 When you believe, somehow you will
                 You will, when you believe"... 
Whitney Houston 
               Have a wonderful day...and as always
                            Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

                            "Let's Talk About It"


                           Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252.327.4938

* Impossible for a plain yellow pumpkin to become a golden carriage... Things are happening everyday...  
Cinderella ☺️        

Monday, November 28, 2022

Happiness... Day 29

🎢Hang all the mistletoe I'm gonna get to know you better this Christmas... a very special Christmas for me"... Chris Brown 😘
Great Morning to You...
Deck the halls with boughs of holly... Tis the season to be jolly...falalalalala...

Did you know that
Oftentimes we get excited over the word joy. However, joy doesn't come without choice. We have options in everything we do. We can choose to be happy or we can choose to be sad. We can choose to love or we can choose to hate. It's optional... Everything has pro's and cons. We have the right to decide which one will bring fulfillment.

Each day before we get out of bed we should/must make a conscious decision as to what we will/will not allow to be in our day.

It is all based on choice... Happiness is a choice. Although we are constantly being fed some form of negative energy throughout the day, at the end of the day, we still had a choice as to what we chose to digest.
Every human being should 
Learn to live again. Close the book of the past. Put it on the shelf (hidden) and begin to read a new book. Let's get back to loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. Give the gift that  everyone wants and so desperately need. Give the gift of love this Christmas. 

If we place these items that are listed above, on our gift shopping list, when December 25th rolls around, everyone's stocking should be overflowing with
                            LOVE AND HAPPINESS 

"Let's Talk About It"


Classy Clothing Designer...
Wall's Design 252.327.4938

* Leave a little sparkle of joy behind wherever your feet may tread today...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Happiness... Day 28

🎢I dont want you to buy me nothin', its alright, love's the only thing on my list, all I want is a kiss for Christmas...
Luther Vandross 
Happy New Week...

Its the most wonderful time of the year...  Its the time of the year where Trees grow in houses. The smell of pine, cinnamon, and mint fill the air in our homes. We shop for friends, family and that special someone as an expression of love... We allow any animosity to fade on that special day. We forget all pain and understand that we should 
Although we should do this everyday, its during this season, we tend to fogive... forget... and move on realizing that the greatest gift any of us can ever obtain is LOVE...
Love is the shortest distance between two people even if when we are wrong or right.

We realize 
 Being kind is the only form of beauty that never fades. Being kind is not labeled by monetary assistant only. No, no... Being kind is giving a part of you that helps heal someone that needs a kind word, a listening ear, or a warm sincere smile. Kindness, like love, hides a multitude of sins. It gives hope... It gives peace... It gives understanding... It gives us a sense of stability. It is never outdated. 

We understand that in this life 
So, as we go out to search for gifts, let us remember to carry with us the gift of kindness. Let's give to others what we want others to give to us. Let's give peace not war... Let's share joy, not pain... Let's give the greattest gift of all... Let's love one another. Not only at Christmas, but give love everyday that you are granted life. Its the gift that keeps on giving... Love without restrictions...and as always
                           Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

"Let's Talk About It"


Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252.327.4938

* Kindness is the only beauty that never fades😘

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Inspirational... Day 23

🎢"Its not everyday that you can find something in your life that is worth all the money in this world... Happiness"... Barry White

Mere words can never express how wonderful your are... You have a wonderful personality... You are strong... You are uplifting... You take a licking and keep on ticking... You shine bright like a diamond... You are pure... You are loved...

Everyday that we arise, should remind ourselves of the uniqueness that each of us possess. It is truly amazing to know that we are all unique in our own way. A way that can not be explained. Each of us carry a gift witin that oftentimes radiates purity. Its called Happiness...

So often we as Kings and Queens feel as though having things makes us happy, but in actuality, happiness is not 

True happiness lives within each of us. We have a tendency to choke it with the cares of life, but if we were to tear down the walls of fear, anxiety, and hatred, we could easily find the one thing that shines even on a rainy day. Happiness... And along with happiness, there is joy, and with joy, there is the greatest gift of all... LOVE... The shortest distance between two people... When was the last time you told yourself that
Lets Pour life back into our lives. Make everyday a day of celebration.. Redefine "different" during this season of sharing with family and friends. Show more love. Laugh more... Hug more... Inspire more... Show more compassion towards others. Give thanks for everything... Love one another without restrictions, reservations and restraints. Be happy! Be unique and
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Wonderful Weekend Be the reason that someone smiles today...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰... 

"Let's Talk About It"


Classy Clothing Designer...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Love and Happiness are best friends. You can't give one without the other... Think about it πŸ˜‰

Monday, November 21, 2022

Inspirational... Day 22

🎢" Move on up and keep on wishing. You know your dream is your only scheme, so keep on pushing..." Curtis Mayfield 
Am I my brothers Keeper?...

"You are so beautiful/handsome to me"!!!... You are so creative ... You are so caring... You make others happy to be in your presence... You put forth effort to make everyday your best today...  You are loved...

These are words, if applied daily, will help us to become more possitive, and not so much of the negative. Feeding one another with positive energy will tear down the walls of envy, and stife. There's a word that best describes this procedure, its called "enhancement" When we encourage and love others with a sincere heart, things change. Just like make-up enhances our outer beauty, positive thinking conerning ourselves and others, enhances our mind, body, and soul...
Life is a journey. For every  road we travel, life helps us 
Therefore we should seize every moment. Enjoy the moments of life. Love on yourself and others without restrictions. Be the inspiration someone can learn from. Share hope to the hopeless. Together, if we learn to Dream our biggest dream, eventually we can/will become our dreams. 
Take time today and share love. Give the best medicine that money CAN'T buy. Love... Create what you want your today be.  And while youre at it, take a moment to lift/ encourage someone else . Afterall, someone lifted/encouraged  you....

.                                         Yes, I am my brothers Keeper 
"Lets Talk About It"


Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Let's learn to Love others in the same manner we want to be loved...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Inspiring... Day 21

🎢" you just keep on lifting me up, higher... you're my latest, I tell you you're my greatest, my latest, my greatest inspiration" Teddy P.

  'Inspiring'... when the result is that someone feels motivated.

... Am I my brothers keeper...

"I am so proud of you!.. Keep moving forward... You are awesome... You got this ... You're my hero... Make it happen... You are super cool"... These are just a few motivational phrases that sometimes helps to motivate each other.

Building a new and improved inner being takes both time and effort. In order to get what merely started with a thought, we must look beyond the naysayers and remain positive with one purpose, "achiever"... We must begin to encourage ourselves and others with kind words and deeds. Stay positive. Lift up someone today,.

Motivate and celebrate someone today. Lend a hand make a friend and remember that

"Let's Talk About It"


Classy Clothing Designer...
Wall Design 252-327-4938

* Yes I Am... I am my brothers keeper...and  as always
         Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Friday, November 18, 2022

Gratitude... Day 18


Fantastic Friday to Everyone...
🎢"I wanna thank you heavenly father for shing your light on me" Alicia Myers

Well, another work week has come and gone for many of us. The hustle and bustle. The high demand of professional customer service. Deadlines were met. Conplaints were reaolved, Projects were completed and the ist goes on. And with all of these demands being met, how many of us took a moment just to say "Thank you Lord"?

Each day we are born again... For every new day we have the privilege of knowing that 

For every new day given unto us is a day of thanksgiving. A day filled with new grace and new mercy. In spite of what we may have experienced in the past, gratitude teaches us that with every new day given to each of us is another day of opportunity.

So, moving forward, remember that

Take time to reflect on the things that you are grateful for... starting with... LIFE ITSELF... Have a wonderful day and a Lovely weekend... Keep smiling 😊

"Let's Talk About It"


 Clothing Designer...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Everyday is a day of thanksgiving...1Thesalonians 5:16-18...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰ 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Emotional Healing.... Day 17

           Good Morning, its Terrific Thursday...                    
🎢"We fall down, but we get up.For a saint is just a sinner who fell down,but we couldn't stay there, and got up"... Donnie McClurkin

                              Proverbs 24:16

Enough Said... 
Peace and Blessings
"Let's Talk About It"


Clothing Designer ...
Wall's Design

* Get back up Again... and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Emotional Healing... Day 16

Emotional Healing...
Emotional healing is the process of acknowledging, allowing, accepting, integrating, and processing painful life experiences and strong emotions. It may involve empathy, self-regulation, self-compassion, self-acceptance, mindfulness, and integration.

Now, with a description such as this, it is very safe to say that we have all at one point in our lives experienced the need of emotional healing...

Although it can be painful to discuss, we must realize that it is needed. It is needed simply because everything that we may feel leaves an imprint/mark on our mind. Not only does it boggle the mind, it also has impact on our behavior. Although we place the blame of our current behavior on whatever/whomever is in the present,  it is actually the pain of yesteryear's. Some in which is due to our up bringing. Example... If there  was a hurt due to relationship issue, we were told "get over it". God forbid if we 😭. Crying was a sure sign of weakness, and weakness was not prohibited. We dare not show emotions of hurt after a break up. Are you kidding me. So we sucked it up only to repeat the same cycle over and over, which can be easily labeled as  "buried pain without an autopsy".  

Years of anger, silent frustration locked up within the mind, and then one day, an explosion. Every bad experience rises and we are left causing more pain to ourselves and others. Understand it is not done intentionally, but due to years of unresolved issues, our emotions surfaces, and once they have surfraced, O my, what an unpleasant moment... Why? ... Buried without autopsy...
Why couldn't  we just release and move on? Is there something else that needs to be restored? 
         #1 No... You must seek proper Counseling...
         #2 Yes... Change your habits (thoughts)...
Nothing heals on its own. Everything has a processing period. But the first step to any form of healing is admittance. We must be willing to confront the situation head on. We must find a common ground to be honest with ourselves and admit that we are in need of emotional healing. Oftentimes, we fail to admit, seek and change due to one word... Pride...
                             Proverbs 16:18
Sure, we are to have pride about and within ourselves, however whenever we  have so much pride, we become oblivious to reality. What is the reality? We need help. We need to Talk it out... We need to recover before moving on. It's of necessity that we get the proper tools needed to heal. We must realize that holing things in only makes it worse. We must be wise enough to know that with prayer and action, our lives can and will be restored. Going through the proper channels for healing purposes can and will introduce us to the better version of us. Not only for us, but also for all others involved with us. Whenever we seek out to be restored, we must not  look at it as degrading, no, no, instead lets look at it with a 20/20 vision of great restoration. Detach from seperation and connect with wholeness. Its something that we all can use in moments like this... Let's begin the process... It's possible...admittance and a change of the heart/mind.

"Let's Talk About It"

 One on one sessions for Mentoring...

Razzle Dazzle Designer Shirts
Wall's Design... Custom Made(Great Holiday Gifts)

*In the words of Bishop T. Jakes. "When your head is clear, you can think...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Monday, November 14, 2022

Doing you... Refusing to Settle... Day 14

Happy New Week... "Honey its cold outside"

🎢"Johnny Nash..."I can see clearly now the rain has gone, I can see all obstacles in my way.. It's gonna be a bright, bright sun shiny day"...

 Have you ever settled for something or someone just for the sake of? Did you regret it? What action did you take to become unsettled?

Oftentimes, we as individuals settle for minimum 🀏🏾 options because of pressure, impatience, and yes the "L" word... Loneliness. Its like a sugar rush. If you don't get/feel it by a certain time, location, or age, you feel as though you will not accomplish your mission.(keyword:your). This my friend is so far from the truth... The truth is when you settle for 🀏🏾, you can oftentimes miss maximum. Which will lead to disappointment, regret, anger, frustration, and the list of negative energy continues. You/me must at some point in life get sick and tired of being sick and tired. There should come a point in each of our lives when you/me must

Yes, you will be ridiculed. Yes, you will loose some friends. Yes you may even be black balled from certain organization, but that's ok. Which is more important...   Your peace, your happiness, your sanity? Or do you enjoy the friction? 

Refusing to settle leads you to the maximum lifestyle. Your entire 🌎 changes when you decide to see your world through your lens... Everything that does not fit into your world becomes blurry. Its not that you are looking down on others, its just that you wanted more for yourself therefore you decided to 

Ephesians 3:19 
Urges us to seek more of God, to expect more of His presence and power, to open our lives more fully to him. Simply put..."Don't settle for less of God! Be open and expectant, because God wants to fill you to overflowing with all that He is."

*People that value your worth will respect your  improvement. People that don't will eventually fade away. Dont beat yourself up, just continue with life.
                                Refuse to Settle
"Let's Talk About It"
...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Friday, November 11, 2022

Communication... Day 11


🎢"and there's nothing particularly wrong, its a feeling I feel inside, when i woke up early this morning, it was starring me straight in my eyes"  Love... 

The love that you have for yourself will always ooze out onto others. If you love you, loving others is easy...
Love is not only words... Love is also action. And once you mix your words with actions, life become 
a splendid thing...

Use today as a day of observation. Pay close attention to your actions towards others. Do something that will bring joy to someone's life today. Maybe a simple hello or a smile. Let's give the gift that keeps giving. 
Let's give love without restrictions 
Have a wonderful weekend...
...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰
John 3:16
*The Greatest Illustration of Love

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Communication... Think before Speaking... Day 10

    🎢"Love taught me who was the Boss. Stood right up in my face and taught me who  was giving the orders, who was running the show"...The Boss... Dianna Ross

Your words are a reflection of your thoughts. Think positive even when negative is all around you.
"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Communication... Now What?... Day 9

🎢"Now that we found love what are we going to do with it " Heavy D & the Boyz

GREAT Wednesday Morning to you...

Now what... Today is a new day... Yesterday is gone never to return, and tomorrow, well we will let tomorrow take care of itself... But while we're in today, what are we going to do with it?... Are you going to walk around with a chip on your shoulder because things may not have went the way you anticipated on yesterday? I would hope not. Do you realize that the energy you are putting out from something beyond your control only causes unnecesary Drama?... Yes, Unnecessary Drama... 

Do you realize the importance of today? Today is the day that puts you one step closer to your destiny. A day full of possibilities. A new day to rid yourself of anger and put a little more love in your heart... So, While you're in today, LIVE IN THE MOMENT. Regardless of what happened in the past, today is a new day. In spite of what others may have said/done, for/against you in the past, release it and keep moving forward. 

Your destiny is not determined by others. You destiny is  determined by God and you. Everything, and I repeat, everything that is needed to get you to your destiny lives inside of you...
🎢 The greatest gift of all is easy to achieve. Learning to love yourself, is the greatest love of all"

You see, once you tap into you, and the true love living  inside of you, obstacles that you may encounter will not overtake you. This a promise/fact... Isaiah 54:17... It won't work... As long as you have mustard seed faith and don't give into the obstacle, you will always rise above the situation. You must believe/know that for yourself. No one can stop you except you... Its not a "name it and claim it" movement, no, no. It's a "I can and I will rise above all doubt, insecurities, and fears that I have towards myself . And in saying/doing  you, you shall rise up with wings as an eagle"... Isaiah 40:31... FACT...

"You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise." Maya Angelou
                                  Now What...
...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰
"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938
* You got this. Go make yourself proud

Monday, November 7, 2022

Communication... Decisions... Day 8

🎢Its too high to get over, yeah, yeah...too low to get under, yeah, yeah... youre stuck in the middle, yesh,yeah... And the pain is thunder" Michael Jackson

🎢"I'm starting with the man in the mirror "

Change is never change until you do something you never done...

Doing the same thing over and over and expect different results is labeled as being insane...
"If yo want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and ... Make that change...

                     GO VOTE... GO VOTE... GO VOTE
... and as always Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

March 16... Loving You

Happiness... Is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction. 
🎢 "Happy feelings in the air touching people everywhere. Plenty love and everything, listen to the people sing"

Would you say that happiness is something from within or is it something others share with you? Well, if you said both, I would have to agree with you.
Happiness is homemade... Its an expression of you and your inner feelings. It is a state of mind that has a tendency to flow onto others.

Happiness is truly homemade. It all starts with you. The energy that you give off to others is a reflection of you.

Your happiness begins with you. It is a form of communication. It speaks life. It shares peace, and it loves without reservations. 
There are 3 Keys to Happiness...
#1 PLEASURE (doing things you enjoy)...
#2 ENGAGEMENT (feeling interested in your activities and connected to others)
#3 MEANING (feeling like what you do matter)

Happiness is love... There is no greater thing than having love for yourself and in return sharing it with others. Its an indescribable feeling, yet you know its there. Its not feeling based only, its a knowing... Its an understanding of
                            Psalms 37:4
,"Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart"... Your happiness/joy is a gift the the Father wants to give to you. It is one of the  many sources to/for life. It is never selfish.
Whenever you search inside your heart with a positive mind you will experience happiness on a  daily basis simply because you  know that God deilgts in your happiness ...

Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Dr. Prinzez Teel

Life Coach
Life Coach
Creative Designer...
Wall's Design..252.327.4938

*If negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, simply look at it and say NOT TODAY as you walk away...

*Happiness is flirting with you today, what's your response...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Friday, November 4, 2022

Communication... Sincerity... Day 4

🎢"The road we need to travel for a better way of life
Sincerity. An attitude we need to take if we want to survive. Sincerity..Lisa Stanfield 
Sincerity... Honesty of the mind
Whatever happen to the saying,"say what you mean and mean what you say"? What has happened to honesty? Has it become a thing of the past? 

There was a time when people could tell you something and you did not question their motives. Instead you took them at face value. If it was said, it was done. Second guessing was not an issue. 
Just like patience is a virtue, so is truth. Being truthful towards one another is also a form of communication. 
It's not something that you speak only, instead you speak and do. Your word is bond... It's the only thing that you have that defines you. It speaks volume. It reveals how you see yourself. If you are desire to gain truth from your peers, you must first be truthful/honest with yourself. You are your best representative.
                               1John 3:18
"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth"....  
Being truthful is not only words, it's a lifestyle. It's a designers fashion that never goes out of style. You can wear it 365  days of the year. It goes well with any color you decide to wear. It's so popular that when you see others wearing that same style, you compliment one another. It is beautiful and contagious...

Not only is truth a fashion statement, it is also love.  Did you know that 
Therefore, being truthful should always be part of your daily, hourly, thoughts. Give your mind what it craves. Feed it  with honesty... Feed it facts and not assumptions... Feed it sincerity which is love...
                              "Let's Talk About It"
Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Being truthful never killed, being untruthful has
...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Communication... Compassion... Day 3

🎢"We could really get there If you cared enough for the living. Make a little space. To make a better place"... Heal the World... Michael Jackson 
                            "Let's Talk About It " one's inner thought, disposition, or character.
Character...the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves.

Deep within each of us lies the true definition of who we really are. Although many of us struggle to become that individual due to the excuse of other people, deep within you is the true you. What's the true you? 5,4,3,2,1... LOVE... We, you, and share that particular trait. Although we sometimes display disruptive behavior, beneath the harshness lies the source of life.  Do you enjoy seeing others flourish into a better version of themselves?  If you answered "absolutely" you are a person of compassion, which is love...
One of the best ways of improving the best version of you is to consider someone else. No, I am not saying that you are to neglect you, by no means necessary, I am merely stating that being true to you inspires others. It can sometimes become contagious. I long to see the time when we look past race, creed, or color and just see others as you see yourself... HUMAN ... Everything we do in today's society is black or white. When are we as a people going to realize that within each of us is a Spirit without color. It is defined as the greatest gift of all time. It has been around for decades. It never stops, (we stop it). Love... It's the shortest distance between two people. 

When the collapsing on the twin towers struck our country, everything and everyone was devastated. Innocent lives gone within a matter of minutes. People that we had not spoken to in years, received a call just to check on you. Even the people we didn't know were considered our brothers and sisters. It was a devastating day, but even in the devastation, one thing rang throughout the world for months... It was compassion. No one saw color, gender, personal preference, none of that. That particular incident united us as a people without a hidden agenda.

Let's begin to view others the way we want to be viewd. Get over the mindset of skin color and competition. Begin to see others through the lens of love... Try it it just might increase your vision...πŸ€—

Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Give a part of you that would make you a good memory... and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰


Life be Life-ing...

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're getting"  Forrest Gump Greetings... I hope that all is well with...