Emotional healing is the process of acknowledging, allowing, accepting, integrating, and processing painful life experiences and strong emotions. It may involve empathy, self-regulation, self-compassion, self-acceptance, mindfulness, and integration.
Now, with a description such as this, it is very safe to say that we have all at one point in our lives experienced the need of emotional healing...
Although it can be painful to discuss, we must realize that it is needed. It is needed simply because everything that we may feel leaves an imprint/mark on our mind. Not only does it boggle the mind, it also has impact on our behavior. Although we place the blame of our current behavior on whatever/whomever is in the present, it is actually the pain of yesteryear's. Some in which is due to our up bringing. Example... If there was a hurt due to relationship issue, we were told "get over it". God forbid if we π. Crying was a sure sign of weakness, and weakness was not prohibited. We dare not show emotions of hurt after a break up. Are you kidding me. So we sucked it up only to repeat the same cycle over and over, which can be easily labeled as "buried pain without an autopsy".
Years of anger, silent frustration locked up within the mind, and then one day, an explosion. Every bad experience rises and we are left causing more pain to ourselves and others. Understand it is not done intentionally, but due to years of unresolved issues, our emotions surfaces, and once they have surfraced, O my, what an unpleasant moment... Why? ... Buried without autopsy...
Why couldn't we just release and move on? Is there something else that needs to be restored?
#1 No... You must seek proper Counseling...
#2 Yes... Change your habits (thoughts)...
Nothing heals on its own. Everything has a processing period. But the first step to any form of healing is admittance. We must be willing to confront the situation head on. We must find a common ground to be honest with ourselves and admit that we are in need of emotional healing. Oftentimes, we fail to admit, seek and change due to one word... Pride...
Proverbs 16:18
Sure, we are to have pride about and within ourselves, however whenever we have so much pride, we become oblivious to reality. What is the reality? We need help. We need to Talk it out... We need to recover before moving on. It's of necessity that we get the proper tools needed to heal. We must realize that holing things in only makes it worse. We must be wise enough to know that with prayer and action, our lives can and will be restored. Going through the proper channels for healing purposes can and will introduce us to the better version of us. Not only for us, but also for all others involved with us. Whenever we seek out to be restored, we must not look at it as degrading, no, no, instead lets look at it with a 20/20 vision of great restoration. Detach from seperation and connect with wholeness. Its something that we all can use in moments like this... Let's begin the process... It's possible...admittance and a change of the heart/mind.
"Let's Talk About It"
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*In the words of Bishop T. Jakes. "When your head is clear, you can think...and as always
Peace and Blessings π