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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Communication... Compassion... Day 3

๐ŸŽถ"We could really get there If you cared enough for the living. Make a little space. To make a better place"... Heal the World... Michael Jackson 
                            "Let's Talk About It " one's inner thought, disposition, or character.
Character...the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves.

Deep within each of us lies the true definition of who we really are. Although many of us struggle to become that individual due to the excuse of other people, deep within you is the true you. What's the true you? 5,4,3,2,1... LOVE... We, you, and share that particular trait. Although we sometimes display disruptive behavior, beneath the harshness lies the source of life.  Do you enjoy seeing others flourish into a better version of themselves?  If you answered "absolutely" you are a person of compassion, which is love...
One of the best ways of improving the best version of you is to consider someone else. No, I am not saying that you are to neglect you, by no means necessary, I am merely stating that being true to you inspires others. It can sometimes become contagious. I long to see the time when we look past race, creed, or color and just see others as you see yourself... HUMAN ... Everything we do in today's society is black or white. When are we as a people going to realize that within each of us is a Spirit without color. It is defined as the greatest gift of all time. It has been around for decades. It never stops, (we stop it). Love... It's the shortest distance between two people. 

When the collapsing on the twin towers struck our country, everything and everyone was devastated. Innocent lives gone within a matter of minutes. People that we had not spoken to in years, received a call just to check on you. Even the people we didn't know were considered our brothers and sisters. It was a devastating day, but even in the devastation, one thing rang throughout the world for months... It was compassion. No one saw color, gender, personal preference, none of that. That particular incident united us as a people without a hidden agenda.

Let's begin to view others the way we want to be viewd. Get over the mindset of skin color and competition. Begin to see others through the lens of love... Try it it just might increase your vision...๐Ÿค—

Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Give a part of you that would make you a good memory... and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰



Anonymous said...

this is really inspiring and motivational

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Queen though people expect to be treated and viewed right regardless of how they treat others.

Anonymous said...

Great day great Thursday you are so right you are so right great day

Let's Talk About It said...

Double-sided mindset needs adjusting

Let's Talk About It said...

Keep it moving with kindnesses

Anonymous said...

I completely agree! Kindness is universal!

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... ๐ŸŽถ" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...