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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Merry Christmas... Day1

🎢"its that once a year when the world's sincere and you'd like to find a way to show the thing that words can't say... give love... The Temptations
                          Happy New Month
                        Happy Holidays to You!

Can it be that everything happens for a reason?
Whether it be a a person, place, or thing, do we believe in coincidence or do we believe in destiny?

 Everything in life has a purpose. Nothing happens just to be happening. So what do we do when it happens? We accept it. We seize every moment of life as a lesson not a life sentence. Each of us has a unique assignment.
We are born and equipped for everything that the  journey called life has for each of us.

For every heartache, joy became destiny... For every sickness, healing became destiny... For every broken relationship, restoration beame destiny... For every cry of deliverance, salvation became destiny. Nothing happens just to be happening. Everything has a purpose.  We accept it as life lessons and realize that
How? By coming to the conclusion that 
 We may not always understand everything during the process, but if we hold on and continue to remain true to ourselves, eventually we will reap the harvest if we don't give up... Stay on course. Remain positive. Show gratitude.  Remember to Love yourself first
 ( not selffishly) but in a way that allows you to freely love others with a sincere heart.

Have a wonderful day. Accept what is acceptable. Change what you can. Be wise enough to know the difference... 

"Let's Talk About It"...


Classy Clothing Designer
Wall's Design 252.327.4938

* Acceptance is not being vulnerable. Acceptance is understanding everything has its own timing...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰


Anonymous said...

Great day great day great Thursday I accept that I appreciate that word and yes

Anonymous said...

Thanks motivating

Anonymous said...

Great day it is and the word is great for today we really have to love who God has made us thanks and keep letting God us you 😘😘

Anonymous said...

So true, life experiences should be learning experiences, not a Life Sentence! Love, The Other Serenity Prayer!" Thank you for your encouraging and thought provoking words! N

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Thank you so much for the encouraging words❤️❤️

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...