🎵 "Talk to me... I open up my heart to you... You're the Lover of my soul, the Captain of my sea"...
What happens during a conversation/communicating if the tone level changes? Does your tone level change also? Is anything accomplished?
Speaking in a calm voice allows one to build and achieve. Whenever communicating with others one should always remember in order to keep the other person's attention, one must speak at a level that is very easy to receive.
Understand, shouting and calling someone out of their names, causes that person to either shut down or shout back. And when this happens, no one walks away with understanding of what was being said. Instead of having a PROductive conversation, something that will bring about change, both parties oftentimes walk away angry and empty. In other words, UNproductive.
"A soft , gentle, and thoughtful answer(communication) turns away wrath(extreme anger). But harsh, painful, and careless words stirs anger.... The tounge of the wise speaks knowledge that is pleasing and acceptable".
Proverbs 15:1-2(AMP)
So, with👆🏾 as a reminder, which tone, when communicating with others, would you prefer?
Think about it... 😊
And on that note... Have a terrific Tuesday. Keep smiling, speak with clarity, never assume, and try speaking in a tone where as both parties are respected and the message is receivable 😘
Let's Talk About It with Valerie
Dr. Prinzez Teel
Life Coach...
Life Coach...
Creative Designer...
Wall's Design..252.327.4938
*If negative energy should come your way today, please don't debate it, simply look at it and say...NOT TODAYas you walk away...and as always Peace and Blessings
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