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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

3/7... Narcissism... Manipulation

Great Morning Everyone.. 
                   Tell God "Thank You"

🎶"An angels smile is what you sell, you promise me heaven, but you give me hell... You give love a bad name... Bon Jovi...

 Someone once said to me "saying no can also be manipulative". Ummm... I think when that statement is being used it is truly a sign of someone trying to manipulate you... Reverse psychology... What to you think?

Being able to say no is not a bad thing. It is actually healthy. Its a word in the Webster Dictionary that should be used more often when it comes to dealing with a narcissist partner.. They are very MANIPULATIVE... 

Oftentimes we feel bad saying no because we don't want to offend annyone. However, whenever we go along with others knowing we shouldn't, is actually disrespectful to ourselves. Whenever temper tantrums are displayed after giving a response that was not expected, be ware... This is a behavior that is used called  "Manipulation Game". Its a form used to try to make you feel guilty and possibly get  you to reconsider your response in give into what they want. Don't do it ...  Stand your ground. Whatever response you give, be strong/courageous enough to hold firm regardless of the other person's behavior. 
Answer this question...
If you were in need, would the narcissistic person be there for you? Stand your Ground...

Remember This...

.                      Have a wonderful day 😘

Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Dr. Prinzez Teel

Life Coach
Life Coach
Creative Designer...
Wall's Design..252.327.4938

*If negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, simply look at it and say NOT TODAY as you walk away...and as always Peace and Blessings 😉

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