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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone...

🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross

Its Wonderful Wednesday!!
 Just want to leave you guys with a little nugget to ponder on today...

Never allow a bad situation to cause  the worst to come out of you. Instead, look at the bad situation with the mentality of it only being a "minor setback" of a "major set up" in a positive direction...
.               Have a very productive day 😀
          Remember the best is yet to come 😉

Let's Talk About It
@youtube Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Dr. Prinzez Teel

Life Coach
Life Coach
Creative Designer...
Wall's Design..252.327.4938

*If negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, simply look at it and say NOT TODAY as you walk away...and as always Peace and Blessings 😉

Monday, May 15, 2023

May 15... Silence is Golden

Greetings Everyone...

🎶"Do you love what you feel" Rufus Chaka Khan 

 In growing older/wiser, I have realized... Everyone will not celebrate your good news with you. Sure there are some that will celebrate and encourage you to continue to move forward. They are people that love to see others achieve...

On the other hand, there are those that will not celebrate with you and will in some way try to make you feel as though your good news is not worth celebrating. They are known to have a jealous spirit.

May I  strongly suggest to you that you keep your business to yourself  and 
                             Real Talk

Have  Marvelous Monday. Keep smiling knowing that the best is yet to come. 

Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Dr. Prinzez Teel

Life Coach
Life Coach
Creative Designer...
Wall's Design..252.327.4938

*If negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, simply look at it and say NOT TODAY as you walk away...and as always Peace and Blessings 😉


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

May 10... Wednesday Gem

🎶"as long as you keep your head to the sky, you can win"... Optimistic... Sounds of Blackness

Greetings Everyone...
Its Wonderful Wednesday for some and hump day for others... Just want to leave you guys with a couple of nuggets to ponder on today.

As we journey through this gift off life, we are presented with 3 choices... And with these 3 choices there are consequences...
1. If we choose to look down on life, we will become oppressed....
2. If we choose to look around and get entangled with our surroundings when relating to the uneasy concerns of the world, we will become depressed...
3. However, if we choose to look up,  and stand firm on our faith, we will find/ be at rest.

The choice is ours to make. Remember...
.                                   Think about it 😉
Have a wonderful day. Keep smiling knowing that the best is yet to come...

Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Dr. Prinzez Teel

Life Coach
Life Coach
Creative Designer...
Wall's Design..252.327.4938

*If negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, simply look at it and say NOT TODAY as you walk away...and as always Peace and Blessings 😉

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

May 3... Ladies, Know your worth

"Everyone will not embrace your value, but that doesn't mean you should go and change your price"
                        Stephan Speaks 
                  Happy Wedneda6        
Searching for love online can be very challenging. One must be very careful. If the social media associate never wants or make excuses as to why the two you can't video chat, exit stage left... If they ask for money... RUN... You are being set up only to be gamed ..
For every Queen, there lies a king... Take the single life and enjoy life. Go thru the process ...  
Be true to yourself... Be anxious for nothing, just embrace the process...

Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Dr. Prinzez Teel

Life Coach
Life Coach
Creative Designer...
Wall's Design..252.327.4938

*If negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, simply look at it and say NOT TODAY as you walk away...and as always Peace and Blessings 😉

Monday, May 1, 2023

May 1, 2023... Gentlemen... Embrace your Value

Happy New Month/Week...

"Everyone will not embrace your value, but that doesn't mean you have to go and change your price"...
                             Stephan Speaks

Thats a very strong yet true statement. 
Realizing that everyone does not see us the way see ourselves could spare us many disappointments.

Just because she looks, walks, talks, and behave like a woman, doesn't always mean that she's your woman. Understand every pretty face and nice physique does not make a woman a woman. If she has the mindset of valuing herself, nine times out of ten, she knows the true meaning of "value"  therefore she will know how to respect, and embrace you. 

Now on the other hand, if she doesn't, exit stage left... Why, because if prolonged, you will eventually lose sight of yourself and begin to negotiate your value which will eventually cause you to exchange your peace for unwanted stress... Think about it 🤔

Never settle just because she wears the title of a woman... Realize 
                                Real Talk

Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Dr. Prinzez Teel

Life Coach
Life Coach
Creative Designer...
Wall's Design..252.327.4938

*If negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, simply look at it and say NOT TODAY as you walk away...and as always Peace and Blessings 😉

Life be Life-ing...

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're getting"  Forrest Gump Greetings... I hope that all is well with...