Greetings Everyone...
Its Wonderful Wednesday for some and hump day for others... Just want to leave you guys with a couple of nuggets to ponder on today.
As we journey through this gift off life, we are presented with 3 choices... And with these 3 choices there are consequences...
1. If we choose to look down on life, we will become oppressed....
2. If we choose to look around and get entangled with our surroundings when relating to the uneasy concerns of the world, we will become depressed...
3. However, if we choose to look up, and stand firm on our faith, we will find/ be at rest.
The choice is ours to make. Remember...
Have a wonderful day. Keep smiling knowing that the best is yet to come...
Let's Talk About It with Valerie
Dr. Prinzez Teel
Life Coach
Life Coach
Creative Designer...
Wall's Design..252.327.4938
*If negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, simply look at it and say NOT TODAY as you walk away...and as always Peace and Blessings 😉
1 comment:
Val thank you for reminding us that we can control our perspectives even when they aren't the best. It's not to say we become robotic without the ability to feel, but rather that we don't have to choose despair over relief. Negative energy can literally suck the life out of you, so choose positivity and live a life of joy! Sip on that
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