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Monday, September 19, 2022

Page 3... BALANCED... Presentation... Page 19

๐ŸŽถI hope you dance(tell me who wants to look back on their life and wonder)... I hope you dance"...

Hopefully each of you had a wonderful weekend...
Your Life is a journey... It's your story that you reveal to others on a daily basis...

Each day you share a part of you with your coworkers, restaurant attendees, etc. Regardless of the time spent in the presence of others, your story is being shared. This brings me to the question. What are others reading whenever they are in your presence? Are you sharing with others positive/productive stories or are you sharing negative/draining stories?

On yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a "Black Tie Photographers Ball" in honor of Mr. Daniel Blount.  The ceremony was, "Absolutely Wonderful". Everyone was elegantly dressed, the atmosphere was pleasant, and everyone had beautiful smiles... It was an amazing evening. There was only positive stories to be read at the celebration. Mr. Blount took his story and made a difference in everyone's life he came in contact with by saying one word ... "Smile" ... His story changed the lives of many by way of camera, deeds, and words. His work/story of making many feel wonderful about themselves inside/out will forever be a life changing story... Thank you Mr. Daniel Blount for being you. I
 thoroughly enjoyed the evening. 
Each day that you are in close proximity of someone other than yourself you are being read. The story you  present to others is exactly what others will read. Now don't misunderstand me and think that I share a perfect story of me everyday. Absolutely not... Everyday is not the same. Which means every story we present may not always be an easy read. That's life. You will experience days of joy and days of pain, that's considered life as well. However, staying on the pages of negative energy is a choice. If you present negative stories, you will become a negative author. You and only you get to choose what you want others to read about you.

So on today as you venture out into the community, pay attention to you, (not others), yes you, and what your story is saying to others. Are they finding your story easy to read or are they finding it to be a bit challenging and uneasy?
                            1Thessalonisns 5:11
Share a  positive encouraging story that make others want to continue to read even when you are not in their presence. Leave a story of smiles, laughter, love, and peace with everyone you come in contact with today. Who knows, maybe,  just maybe, it may become contagious...

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* All stories aren't bad. It solely depends on the author...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰


Anonymous said...

Amen! Very elegantly spoken! Live the life we want to be read!

Anonymous said...

Vetta- absolutely, though many do not realize we are being read they should bc that’s what life is, a story. Sometimes the story repeats it self if we’re not careful. Good view points on life!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great time!!!

Anonymous said...

Very positive reading. This one really hits home. Thank you for always shareing positive inspirational vibes

Let's Talk About It said...

Absolutely... If my story is negative, the person reading it will become negative and in return they will pass it onto the next reader.

Let's Talk About It said...

Never underestimate repeated stories... You may have had to read it twice simply because you misspelled a couple of words๐Ÿ˜‰

Let's Talk About It said...

To God Be the Glory... With all the negativity in the world around us, we need some positive things to think on. You know it's like milk, it does the body good๐Ÿ˜‰

Let's Talk About It said...

Thank you...

Janice said...

Wow I really enjoyed that read I'm going to try to do that you and Daniel looks so good I love his energy always have great day my queen great day

Let's Talk About It said...

Thank you Queen...

Anonymous said...

Great morning from Rosemary! So sorry that I missed the event! Didn't know anything about it. And yes, our story is our testimony (the good,bad, and the ugly). But it has all made us to be the person we are today!! ❤๐Ÿ™

Anonymous said...

Enjoy reading very captivating it speaks volume got to know how to smile be your self eventually everything will work itself out You don't realize how much positive energy you are giving us..Valarie...Thank You!

Let's Talk About It said...

But even in the bad and the ugly, if we remember to keep moving forward, it will work out for our good.

Let's Talk About It said...

Thank you... It is a joy for me to encourage others. You in return just fed me positive energy.. Thank you for following... Keep smiling knowing that your story is being read by others in an uplifting way...๐Ÿ˜‰

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been around a person that always talk about what they don't have. They will never have anything with that negative attitude

Anonymous said...

Thanks and glad you had a wonderful night loved the talk and continue with the encouragement have w wonderful rest of the day ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š❤️

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... ๐ŸŽถ" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...