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Sunday, September 4, 2022

Page 3. ... CHANGE DAY 5

🎢..."I know change gonna come, o yes it will"

Soooo, hopefully some changes have begun to stir in your thoughts. Changes of a bigger and better you!!! 
Yes, change begins with you and your mindset determines the change. But before you venture into the "new you" please get past the pain of past hurt. Why? Without proper healing you will never experience the newer version of you  in full capacity. It is UNTIL you let past pain,  that you are at your best. Yes, your mouth will say you have gotten past that, but let that person, place, conversation and yes music show up in your present life, and watch how everything that you said was behind suddenly bring on emotions of anger, rage, tears, and yes revenge. You may be wondering what could possibly stop you from becoming the best you... 5,4,3,2,1...Unforgiveness... Yes, you guessed it, the one thing that can hide deep within until...  

Did you know that Unforgiveness and Pride are 2 of the many  things that hold you back from  obtaining the full capacity of your success story. Yes, your success story. You know the story that exceeds above all that you could ask or think. Your (individually) thought according to how you perceive yourself to be.  Not how others think your success story should be/look(Negative)....
* Read that again if you didn't get it the first reading* 
Eventhough, Pride and Unforgiveness has a slight hold on each of us, there is one above all holds. What would that be you ask? 5,4,3,2,1... Forgiveness...  I know that it is easier said than done, but if not now, then when?  When are you going to start healing. When are you going to realize that your success story starts and end with you?  And in order to get the show on the road, forgiveness has to become one of the main characters. But before you can get to forgiveness, you must allow the MAIN character to wake up. Who is the main character? I'm so glad you asked... It's called Love.. 
                                John 3:16

In order to forgive you an I must learn how to love ourselves and others past their pain...

Love is the shortest distance between two people...

You and I have allowed pain to rob us of true happiness long enough.. Allow the new change(s) to take the first step into Change by  beginning with Love/Forgiveness.. Realize that forgiving is not for only them, forgiveness is FOR YOU!  It free's your mind... it allows you to concentrate on your assignment... It makes you happy 😊. Come on let's take this journey of "Let's Talk About It"  together as we begin to

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design... 252-327-4938

Enjoy your day. Relax Relate, Release
...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰
*Love is addictive...


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this read ❤️

Anonymous said...

Peace and blessing very inspiring πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Anonymous said...

This good 😊

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...