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Monday, September 5, 2022

Page 4... CHANGE/Forgiveness DAY6

🎢"Show me how to love the unlovable, help me reach the unreachable... Forgiveness "

*The pain of yesterday is the healing process of today...
Soooo, let's begin to heal... Heads up... This journey may cause some pain, but I can tell you this, it will be for your good...

??When was the last time you actually forgave someone?  I'm not talking about lip service only... I'm talking about forgiveness for real... We are so quick to say "I forgive you, but I want 5,4,3,2,1... FORGET"... And you know what, this is true. We always find a way to hold onto pain. Why is that? Is it because it keeps you connected to that person, place, thing? Does it give you some type of power? Or does it gives you a sense of hope. Yes hope... You (although you may never admit it) may be  hoping one day to connect with that person, place, thing again. And you know what, it's okay. 
But what if you could forgive, and forget. Forget (but learn from it) with sincerity. What if you could look beyond the pain, the negative words being directed at you indirectly, the relationship hurt,  and yes, family hurt. And we all know that there is no hurt like family hurt...
 What can you do different that will cause you to get past Unforgiveness?  This answer may shock you but It's simple... 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1...Repent, PRAY, forgive yourself, and then confront the situation in peace... If they accept your sincere apology, move forward. If they say they have to think about it, move forward... If they apologize, move forward... If the don't apologize, shake the dust off your feet and MOVE FORWARD...
Before you entered into this world, your life had a beginning and an end... It has your DNA... There is no one in this world that can out do you. So why are you allowing someone to determine your success story? Be you!!! You were not meant to be approved by everyone...Begin to  Love/Forgive, with sincerity, and move forward...
Your destiny lies within you ... Move Forward..
 Make that Change

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

 * This is my process... Your process may be different
...and as always 
Peace and Blessings 


Anonymous said...

It is a process!! Everyone should remember that only Jesus was perfect!! Thanks for the encouragement ❤️

Anonymous said...

πŸ‘‹πŸΎGm! Yes, forgiveness is the goal after a fall out in a relationship of whatever kind and rightfully so. Forgetting or not forgetting on the other hand is so hard AND...HUMAN. The two sometimes work hand in hand though. If there's no forgetting, have you truly forgiven. πŸ€”It sounds contradictory, right? Well, we should forgive to give ourselves peace of mind and to please God. That should be our ultimate goal, pleasing God. "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." Maybe, just maybe one day, that favor will be returned. Afterall is said and done, if we forgive, we gain the reward two fold; peace and pleasing God. As human beings it's hard, but we just gotta work harder. Time heals most wounds. Pray for God to remove the hurt and thoughts of the past offenses. Even if it takes 70x70 times. πŸ₯° Have a great day!❤😘

Anonymous said...

Gm. Thank you for the encouragement. My pain of Yesterday is the healing process of Today. I really needed this.Play the moment. Pause the memory. Stop the pain.πŸ™πŸ₯°

Anonymous said...

Gm thanks great talk today we have to forgive b/c our God forgive us every day!! Enjoy the rest of your day!!πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...