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Friday, September 23, 2022

Page 7... BALANCE/Love/Respect... Day 23

" I Double D dare you to show love to someone today            in same manner in which you want to receive it...

          🎶 " It's a Love Thing"... The Whispers

When was the last time you actually Relaxed?
Not the kind of relaxing where you are doing nothing, but the kind of relaxion  where peace took up residence within you? You know the kinda peace that relaxes you from head to toe... That long uh... Well, today could be the day you have been waiting on. A day of relaxation mentally... Why mentally? 5,4,3,2,1... Everything begins with a thought...

Point... "What am I going to eat for breakfast"? ... thought... "What am I going to wear today"?... thought... Hold up,  Back up... What about this one ..." I need 10 more minutes of sleep before I get up"?... A thought... Everything begins with a 🤔. So with that being said, for the next few minutes, I want you to just relax. 

Love ... Although it is commanded/required, it is one of the least things that is done on a daily basis. Why? Because mentally we are constantly in competition with others while neglecting ourselves... Everyday that you neglect yourself is another day that you neglect your common commandment called love. It is the one word that is often spoken, but is rarely given without restrictions...
                                 1 Corinthians 13
Love is the one thing that there is just too little of. We say " I love you" with words, but we fail to show it. Do you not realize the power behind your words?... Each day you have the choice of enjoying life and loving yourself/others. Sharing a part of you in a positive way is so much easier and less stressful to obtain opposed to having a funky attitude... 

You should never ever expect something from someone that you haven't given yourself.  Again I say, everything begins and ends with a thought. Whatever you give, by golly, that is exactly what you will receive. Life is based on giving and recieving. If you show love, love will show itself to you. 

Not only do you need to relax, and give love, but you should respect yourself and others...Oftentimes than I care to remember hearing others say they demand respect. Why? Why do you feel the need to demand an action from someone that you don't always have for yourself? Never expect something that you are not capable of producing yourself. You should never feel the need to tell someone what you demand... No... Negative... Show them what you expect ... Action always speaks louder than words...

So, the next time you feel the need to relax, 
grab onto peace, it's only a thought away. It is graciously wrapped in love, and it never demands anything that it is not capable of producing first... 
Continue to smile (relax)...
Continue being beautiful (love)... 
Continue to show what you/others desire (respect)...
Have a wonderful- well balanced weekend 🤗

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Love yourself and experience the beauty of  loving others without restrictions... and as always
Peace and Blessings 😉


Anonymous said...

I thank you and a great day great Friday I love this one also that's all I can say is I love this one let's love everybody

Anonymous said...

Vetta~ this is a good one. Several of us want what we are not demanding from ourselves. Respect and Love! This one should definitely hit home for many people. I’m going to leave that right here!!! Have a great weekend my sweet friend 😇💜

Let's Talk About It said...

Truth... Many are in denial

Let's Talk About It said...

Real Talk

Anonymous said...

This one hit’s home respect is everything and love is most definitely a action word that needs to be shown ❤️ Have a wonderful weekend 😘😘

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...