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Monday, September 12, 2022

Page 8... CHANGE/Motivated... Day12

..🎢"But in spite of all you:be been through, I still believe there's a winner in you" Patti LaBelle 
Hopefully everyone had a wonderful weekend and are ready to embark on a new week of possibilities...

 On yesterday,(Sunday afternoon), while scrolling through my Instagram page, I came across a reel that really spoke to the very core of my soul... O my, it was a message by way of Bishop T. D Jakes... The snippet of the reel was so meaningful and incredibly powerful that I had to watch the entire message. It was the kind of message that made you say Ameeeeen, Ouch, yes Lord, and scream at the television. So for the next few minutes allow me the share with you key pointers I got from this message...

Please understand that anytime you decide to change by way of self improvement, others will always find fault. It is hard for others(some) to see that change in you if there has been no change in themselves. You can't convince those that are not assigned to you to think like you, so stop beating a dead situation. Have a memorial and move forward.
 Understand this please.... Everyone is not your assignment. You have to know when/who to hold and who to fold/let go. Once you tap into Whose/who you are, pleasing others by way of losing you, becomes ghost. It's not that you don't respect them as an individual, no, no, it's just that you have reached a level of growth in your life that others may not have reached yet. Everyone can't climb one ladder at the same time. There has to be multiple sizes of ladders for each individual simply because everyone is not comfortable with tall ladders. There are different  sizes to accommodate each individual. Whether is be 3ft, 8ft., or 25ft., each ladder is designed to reach what you are aiming for. The key to each ladder is this..."you must  realize that Your purpose in life has to become you before it can influence others" There will always be naysayers, that's life. So, if you know that, why allow their thoughts of you to determine your purpose driven life? In other words... Why allow someone else's vision of 20/40 make your 20/20 vision blurry? If you have any type of relationship with God and yourself, you should know that your assignment is not to be carried out the way man says it should be, but what God has destined it to be... Your purpose is to impact others 
(help make a difference)with your gift, in such a way that it causes someone to change for the better.
                               Jeremiah 29:11
Again I say,  we will always have naysayers, and it's okay, no actually it's great. Why? 5,4,3,2,1... They are being used as stepping stones to get you closer to your purpose. So, instead of reacting in ways that pleases their expectations of you in a negative perspective, reverse the script. Why? Everything does not require your response. Instead of telling them your thoughts, step over them and show them your results.
 The people that are assigned to you,  will be impacted greatly by what you have to offer. Those that are not assigned to you, will always fight against your purpose. My question to you is, what's it going to be... Your purpose driven life as an influencer for God and others or are you going to continue to see yourself through others 20/40 blurry vision.. You have a choice..
"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938* 
*YouTube " Insights of Influence"... Bishop T.D. Jakes*
...and as always Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰


Anonymous said...

Grear morning! Timely message! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Bullseye 🎯 when God assigns something for you it’s not going to make sense to others!! On time and on point! Thanks for continuing to push!

Anonymous said...

πŸ‘‹πŸΎGm! Sometimes we become so bent on not hearing what others(some) say till it clouds or judgement on what we really need to hear. Not saying that everything others say to you is always good for you. It always depend on the time... timing is everything. For sure we need to weed out what may be unnecessary at that time but don't discount it in its entirety because some things come to make us stronger. Afterall, if we're looking to grow, improve our excel in life, we shouldn't want others saying or suggesting things to us just to please us even though what they say is untrue just for the sake of winning you over (2nd Tim.4:2-3). Itching ears can get us in a lot of trouble!
We know it's not always true that every single person wishes us well. They don't! Use Discernment 101. ❤😘
P.S. James says: "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to HEAR, slow to SPEAK, slow to WRATH." Our words can say too much sometimes.

Anonymous said...

True that!

Valerie Tyson said...

It begins and end with you...

Valerie Tyson said...

Diminishing your purpose in order to make others feel comfortable only causes you discomfort.

Valerie Tyson said...

To God Be the Glory... Continue to walk out your purpose

Anonymous said...

It's your responsibility to carry it out the way God gave it to you. No one can fulfill your purpose except you...

Anonymous said...

Wheww Chile now that is a good message! Have a great day ..

Let's Talk About It said...

To God Be the Glory... It blessed me even the more as a writing... Continue with your purpose...

Let's Talk About It said...

Yes, we must always think before we speak... Thank you for your comment 😊

Anonymous said...

Nevertheless we All must practice what we preach. Some are so good at pointing the finger….. remember there’s a thumb point back at you! Sometimes we tend to use God’s word as a cover up to what we really want to say. The flesh can be a trip if you allow it. God takes us on journeys!

Let's Talk About It said...

This is true... Keep moving forward

Anonymous said...

Good read babe!!

Let's Talk About It said...

Thank you... Now apply it to your everyday life πŸ™‚

Anonymous said...

Robert B. People don't believe you can achieve your goals and dreams because because they don't believe you can do it. However, when you do achieve your goal they will say I knew you could do it. Or they will be jealous of you. That's why you only tell people that love and care and want you to succeed your dreams and goals

Let's Talk About It said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Amen πŸ™πŸ½ to that and yes it is us ourselves that has to see God’s purpose for our lives thanks and enjoy your day!!❤️❤️

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...