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Monday, September 12, 2022

Page 9 ... Change/ Blessed. ... Day 13

Happy Tuesday Morning to you ..
🎢"We're gonna have a good day"...

Hopefully everyone had a peaceful and relaxing night of rest.
Well, we are in another day of possibilities. We are actually living in a day (today) where after today, we will never see it again. Therefore, we should seize the moment of time and apply as many possibilities in today. πŸ˜‰

What does it mean to you when you say you are blessed? Do you believe that having the finer things in life define you as being blessed? Luxury cars, gated communities, substantial amounts of money, name brand clothes, and the list goes on. How does these things define you?

Please don't misunderstand me. Yes indeed I like, have and enjoy the nicer things in life. Absolutely,  there is no harm in owning things that you want and can afford. This is one of the reason you work. I am not saying that you should not have any of these things. Negative.. I am only asking can/does these things change who you are? Does having things make you better than ...
Living a blessed life is not and should not be defined only by what you own. Living a blessed life to me is having peace of mind, compassion for others, being a smile to someone who is having a not so good day, and yes acquiring some of the things listed above.

Things should never alter who you are. It should  enhance your living but it should never change you. Why? 5,4,3,2,1... if you can be changed with possession, what will happen to you without possession? 
Learning to have balance is being blessed. 
Balance by way of enjoying the finer things that life has to offer, but also never losing sight of how you obtained the finer things in life. Your achieved life was given as a gift by God through one of the many promises. Walk it out... remain humble... enjoy life to it fullest... never allow things to consume you..instead  live and enjoy life with purpose, because whenever you do this you are truly living a blessed life.
                            Hebrews 2:6-8
Make it a great day... Stay true to you in a positive/purposeful way...

"Let's Talk about It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Remind yourself everyday that you have purpose...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰


Anonymous said...

Amen! Balance is key!!!

Anonymous said...

πŸ‘‹πŸΎGm! Another day to give thanks and yes, to be blessed and be a blessing! Amen?! Afterall, what we have is a loan to enjoy and use wisely. It all comes from Him and ultimately belongs to Him. Good word! Have a blessed day! πŸ₯°❤😘

Let's Talk About It said...

Absolutely... You must know how to operate with both

Let's Talk About It said...

Everything comes from the creator...

Let's Talk About It said...

Amen!! Happy Tuesday! God enjoys when we have "Things" as long as things don't have you!!

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...