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Friday, October 21, 2022

Page 13... Lovely Day... Day 21

🎶"when I wake up in the morning, love
       and the sunlight hurts my eyes
        and something without warning, love
         Bears heavy on my mind....
Lovely Day... Bill Withers
                              "Let's Talk About It"
Great Morning to you... Make today a great day... 
Let all negative energy be like water on a duck's back. Let it roll off... There's someone that needs your positive energy, release it... 
Stay true to yourself...
Keep smiling... Love yourself and others. and as always
Peace and Blessings 😉

Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938
*Nothing happens until you make it happen... 
                      James 2: 14-26
Have a lovely weekend...🤗


Anonymous said...

Great day great Friday that was short and sweet straight to the point and I agree 100% make it a lovely day that you and everybody you're around yes

Anonymous said...

Good morning Queen,
Everyone should feel the love you say you have. That alone starts the day off right. We tend to focus on things irrelevant and negativity vs things that matter with positivity. Good topic have a lovely day💜🤎

Let's Talk About It said...

Leaving the negative people way behind

Let's Talk About It said...


Unknown said...

Great morning that is correct negative energy does not live here love this 😘😘

Anonymous said...

yeah of course

Let's Talk About It said...

Keep it moving

Let's Talk About It said...


May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...