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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Page 14... Life... Trick or Treat... Day 24

Happy New Week...🤗
 Hopefully everyone had a pleasant weekend...                                  "Let's Talk About It"
.  🎶"I love me, baby I don:t know 'bout you, but I love me"... Meghan Trainor 
It's another day... Another day for you to tap into who you are. Another day full of possibilities. Another day to just tell the Lord THANK YOU...

Not only is it a day of thanksgiving, it's also that time of the year that brings on changes and for some people, challenges. Leaves are changing, causing the yard to look unattractive. (Major nerve challenge for me)... Pecans falling  from the trees,(profit) sunlight ending early, and yes that day called Halloween... The time of the year where many become a different character/ personalitya for at least 24 hours. Many will buy a costume, change their hair color(wigs), paint their face, etc. It's the time of the year where you will hear "Trick or Treat"... Back in the day, when I was a Halloween girl, we had a song that we would sing whenever we knocked on our neighbors door. It went like this..."trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat" Those we're fun, clean, safe days. 
     ðŸŽ¶ I think about the good times we shared together..
                                Jackson 5
So much has changed down through the years. What was once innocent fun is now monitored by the police. No more door to door trick or treat. Why? 5,4,3,2,1... Too many tricks. Tricks that in today's time will bring on minor/major tragedies. A trick that no one wants to experience. Whatever happen to fun times... Whatever happened to people loving one another?  What's the one thing to avoid tricks ...5,4,3,2,1...
Reality treatment on yourself...
               -Are you tricking due to past hurt...
 Let it go...
              -Are you tricking due to your insecurities?... 
Tap into you and not other people views concerning you.

 Life is not a trick... No, life is a treat! Each day we receive the treat called breath.. treated with health... treated with activity of our body parts... treated with a sound mind. 

🎶All my life you have been faithful, all my life you've been so good... The goodness of God" CeCe Winas 

No tricks... Only treats... Don't you just love the treat that you receive daily without tricks? 
Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938
*Life is a treat... Enjoy being you.. 1Cor.15:10
...and as always
Peace and Blessings 😉


Anonymous said...

Love it friend!! 💗 M-E

Anonymous said...

Queen life is definitely a treat, though many play tricks with it. We learn to do better when life switches up and we realize we were the one being tricked. Gotta realized the sweet precious life we really do have.

Anonymous said...

Great day I like treats too great day

Anonymous said...

Yes, things are changing, some sin is more acceptable in the world, there is less love and no care for another person's life, some children are disrespectful and the parents allow, as the Bible said, we are living in parishless times. Nothing surprises me that happens in the world today so because God is speaking and some are not listening. Prepare yourselves as we are living in the last days. God send a warning before destruction! But God tell His people but I'm not troubled these things must need be. Are you God's child, if not the Bible said you are of you father the devil. We are all God's creation, but some are not His children if they have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, accept Jesus today and be His child as He intended and not just His creation. He loves us all but hate sin. Let us stay encouraged. Forever in His Presence!

Anonymous said...

Wow great

Anonymous said...

Nice one

Let's Talk About It said...

It is up to the individual to pay attention to what is going on. Life is to be loved and lived to it highest level.

Let's Talk About It said...

If we fail to take heed to the signs, we can only blame ourselves. Each one teach one if they want to be taught

Let's Talk About It said...


Let's Talk About It said...

This reminded me of a conversation I once had with God.

Let's Talk About It said...

We live twice and die once

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...