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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Page 15... Reciprocity/Relationships... Day 25

 Reciprocity in relationships is the mutual exchange of energy and support between partners....
                              Terrific Tuesday 
🎶"Its so good loving somebody and somebody loves you back, and that a fact"... Teddy Pendergrass...
To receive love in the same manner in which you express your love is the most rewarding act of life.  Sharing a part of your hopes, dreams, desires with your partner is such a rewarding feeling. You both share the same passion, the same goals, and you both value one another voice.  Wonderful....You both want the best for each other. No strings attached. Just pure, genuine, completion of one another. O what a wonderful experience.

 Having a mutual understanding of you and your partner not only feels good inwardly, but it looks good outwardly. Believe it or not the way you feel shows on your face... Earth Wind and Fire... 
The relationship shared between you and your partner are constantly on display. Coworkers, children, relatives, are constantly viewing you. Some are thrilled and eager to learn from your relationship, while others, oh well, you already know. But for whatever reason there might be, at the end of the day, all that really matters is how strong and positive your relationship is between you and your partner...
Now before you speak/ask the question concerning my views on how a relationship should be between 2 people, allow me set the record straight. I am a single woman that will not point out how, when, where, and what a relationship between others should be. No, no... My views are totally different from yours. Me advising you on how to connect with your partner is like me telling you how to bake a cake that you have baked several times.  You don't have instructions, you don't measure, you just add what is needed until it begins to shape into form that you are looking for. In other words, do you. Understand this... I am not here to link you in with my opinion. Absolutely not. Why? 5,4,4,2,1... because what works for me may not necessarily work for you. It's a personal bond that is shared between the two of you.  Only you two know what works.

Which brings me to this point...  Your relationship with God is between you and God. No one can tell you how to praise or worship God... Why? It's a personal relationship. Personal.... One on one... Just because my praise isn't as radical as your praise, does not mean your relationship is deeper than mine. We are all uniquely designed by the Father. Each of us has our own way of connecting with our God. He designed us like that. There are no two people alike. We may have similarities, but underneath the similarities, there is differerences. There are so many ways to express reciprocity. Whether it be in the form of partnership or praise, we can all agree that it is based on an individual service. Just like some may define their mutual exchange of energy through words, silent gestures, or open affection. (Personal)... That same law applies with a praiser. Some may express their praise through tears, clapping of hands, shouting, or dancing...  which al leads to one word ...Personal... There is not an instruction pad instructing you how to praise God... it was simply written... "let everything that has breath, praise the Lord." There may have been added tools used in praising, but to tell you how to clap, cry, dance... Negative. It's personal... Now, I know some of my fellow scholars may say different, and it's okay. I am not one to debate that issue. Actually, I am not here to debate period. All I am saying is this... Psalms 22:3... "God inhabits (lives,dwells in) the praises of His people"
We have no right to say what is true praise and what is not. Each of us has a personal relationship with God. Bottom line...

 God knows the sincerity of each of us. There is no certain look for praise or worship. Just like there is no certain look on true love. It's all done on a personal level. The only understanding needed is...
                                 John 3:16
Which was and is to come a mutual exchange of energy and support that was given to each of us over 2000 years ago on a personal/individual basis...

"Let's Talk About It"
Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Just because I don't look, think or act like you does not imply that you have the upper hand... It has only 2 words...uniquely created 
...and as always
Peace and Blessings 😉


Anonymous said...

Great day great Tuesday great message and that was a message I receive it and I hope everyone that reads it receive it to each his own what I eat only makes me full

Anonymous said...

Queen this one is definitely hitting key areas. I’m going to have to read this one again.

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...