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Friday, August 19, 2022

Dreams /Vision(s)

🎶 As long as you keep your head to the sky, you can win, optimistic 

When was the last time you had a vision of being a better version of you? I mean really. Have you ever asked yourself these 3 questions? HOW do I begin? WHEN do I begin. WHERE do I begin. If you have never had that conversation with yourself, all I have to say to that is "keepaliving". Life will teach you how to find the answers to These questions.  These 3 words, how/when/where, well they kinda of remind me of 2 other words....  Dreams/Vision(s)...
They both require thinking on your part along with action from you. You can't drive a vehicle without a steering wheel. Neither can you understand how/when/where without first having  a dream/vision(s)
To dream is to imagine...To have a vision(s) is to become what you imagined.

What is your biggest dream/ vision(s) for yourself? Not what others think you should be dreaming/ imagining about yourself, but what gives you  happiness within yourself... And before you say that those thoughts can showcase acts of selfishness, arrogance, or pride, allow me to say it this way... What makes you happy? What is one thing you can do productively  everyday? Will it bring you joy or sorrow? Will it make you feel good about yourself? Will it help  make your future better. Now if you answered yes to any of these questions, guess what, you are not selfish, your are not arrogant, nor are you being prideful.  No. Actually it is the total opposite. It is actually indicates that you are one step closer to fulfilling your dream/vision(s). 
Fact: when you feel good about yourself, you are able to produce a better you. There is nothing wrong with loving yourself... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING... As a matter of fact, it's HEALTHY...
Stop competing and become who you were created to be. And that's between you and your God...

 Experiencing the beauty of loving yourself  makes you feel alive again.  It causes you to want to dream again. Laugh again. Unspeakable joy.  You know that joy that makes you sometimes feel overwhelmed with love. You can't explain it, all you know is that you feel  good about yourself and your surroundings.
                                John 3:16
 During the process of learning to love yourself, you learn that love is patient, love is kind, but also you learn that love is a winner. Do you see yourself as a winner? If so, trust the process. In other words... do something, (dream) so that you can win. 
 God reveals himself to each one of us individually on a daily basis. He loves us unconditionally. In spite of what others may think or say pertaining to you,  no one can fulfill your destiny except you. Dream, dreams... Have visions of your life. Go ahead... Paint the PORTRAIT of who you want to  become...😉 What do you see?

Let's Talk About It...
AlyssaH@Wall's Designs 252-327-4938

* "Don't tell people your plans, show them your results"... 

**Please post all comments in comment section of this page. Also, please share your email information if you would like to discuss (not debate) a topic one on one.
... and as always...
Peace and Blessings 😉


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey nice

Anonymous said...

👋🏾Gm! Try starting your day with a simple prayer..."Thank you Lord." It's a sure way of shaking off any negativity. No doubt it's gonna try to come back but whisper His name when you feel it creeping back all through the day. Try it! I'm sure it's nothing new to you, at least I hope not! Have a wonderful day!

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎶" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...