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Monday, October 17, 2022

Page 9... Trust...Hate/Haters... Day 17

"what they doing, smile in your face all the time they want to take you place, those backstabbers" The O'Jays

What make people hate on other people? Why are we constantly at war amongst ourselves? Power, prestige, money, etc... What exactly makes you have a strong dislike against someone that resembles you but is not you?
                                "Let's Talk About It"
To often I hear, see and experience hate/haters... But before I go into a series of why it is unnecessary to hate on others, please note that all comments pertaining to the topics are welcomed either via comment section on blog site or you can email directly at Should you leave comments on blog site, please include your email and check box that reads "notify me". I will respond...

Back at the ranch... Why do we hate on others? Is it human nature? What is it about another person's identity causes you to hate... Understand there are many forms of hate. Some hate because of skin color, which to me is wasteful hate simply because none of us chose our color. Some hate because of looks, which can be recified by self awareness. Sexual preferences, which is an individual choice. And the list goes on..

Were you taught early on in your life to hate someone because they look, act, think, dress, better than you? If so, may I strongly suggest that you deflate that ballon and begin to live a new life. What's the new life? Acceptance.... Accept the fact that everyone is not you. Therefore you hating on someone because of their difference's is pointless... This is hate...

On the flip side, you have haters thatNow haters are interesting... Why? Because they are secretly hating on you for you being you... so silly... but want to be you at the same time... REAL silly... In other words... backstabbers. Just because another person has achieved what they desire should never make you jealous of their accomplishments. Instead it should  encourage you. This is my belief. However, I am not a fool. I know that somethings will never change for many. Heck, someone reading this blog today is a hater. And It's okay... Hopefully if you continue to follow my blogs, perhaps, maybe, I hope so, you will begin to see the importance of how being you is needed. You will realize that your uniqueness is someone else's breaking ground to freedom. Be you... I can't say this enough. You are enough... Once you realize that, aw shucks, you will erase being a hater and become a celebrator... Again, I am not a fool... There will always be haters... Genesis 4:8... so for those of you that ... know this

So in conclusion know this... Hebrews 13:5, 1Cor.13:4...
Entertaining hate is mentally draining for you. The time used hating another human due to their differences is time you can be using for self development. And the time you put into being a hater, well that's just wasted time that you are losing secretly trying to be someone else.

" Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Don't hate... Celebrate...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰


Anonymous said...

We sometimes allow our insecurities to take the lead when we consider others. Some do it out of unawareness, but others out of feeling inadequate, or inferior react to another's accomplishment in unhealthy ways. This is definitely appear more evident in the behavior of a lot of women got some reason. This is why it is such a good practice to learn how to listen, understand and communicate with each other. I believe, if we were busier promoting one another, we would be less insecure about what we might perceive as their successes compared to our perceived shortcomings. Not everyone is winning at the same level; some of us are are gold medalists, some are silver and others are bronze. But, we're all in the same race called life and through Christ, we're all winners! Do, let's cheer each other on Dr. P.
Check out my new blog at

Anonymous said...

Let haters watch listen and learn if they have the ability to get beyond the hating!! Jealousy is a terrible thing . Small thinkers continue to remain in small places. Everyone will not be elevated the same! Remember God gave us all the same seed however it’s up to us in the rate it is grown! ๐ŸŽฏ again girl keep pushing!

Let's Talk About It said...

They will watch unfortunately some will not learn. Facts... Small thinkers will remain in small places... It's an individual choice

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... ๐ŸŽถ" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...