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Friday, October 7, 2022

Page 5... Trust/Friends... Day 7

🎢"Count on me through thick and thin, a friendship that will never end. When you are weak, I will be strong, helping you to carry on"...
 CeCe Winas/Whitney Houston 

According to Webster a friend is a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection...
WOW!!! According to that definition, how many of us have at least 3? Mutual, ( keyword),  bond with  affection through relations. So if that is truth, how many of us have at least one friend. 

 Just like a precious jewel, a true friend is rare...  It's like searching for a needle in a haystack. Very difficult to find...

🎢"Friends, how many of us have them, friends one you can depend on... Let's be friends"... Whodini
Two words that are often thrown around like a ball is Friends and Love... We, as a people, say these two words more than we say "forgive me". Every day there is a friend request via Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and the list goes on. People we never seen, heard of, or in many instances will never meet, wants to be our friends 

Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that they can't become your friend. Please don't misconstrue my words. I am merely asking how many friends do we have in our lives that fit the description according to the quote listed above?  Is it possible to obtain a relationship with someone to that capacity? Better yet, is it possible for you to obtain the description with yourself? Ummm. 

Oftentimes we want something from someone else that we haven't applied to ourselves. We want others to fight, respect, include, encourage, need, deserve, stand by us but we haven't applied those principles to our own lives. Do you not know that in order to receive what you desire from others, you must be willing to offer the same.  Your requirements from others is a reflection of what you require of yourself. It is so wrong to expect loyalty from someone else when you are not loyal to yourself. It's like doing the same thing but expecting different results. Absolutely impossible... 

The same applies to friendship. You can't expect friendly from another human being when you haven't put in the work of being friendly. In order to get something you have to give something. Not material giving,  for that eventually fades away, but give honesty, give love, give peace, give something of value... Give you... The real you... It's not difficult to do when you are true to you. It is actually refreshing for both you and the recipient. 
Although true friendship is rare, it is obtainable. As a matter of fact there is a friendship that is true everyday, all day and is available to everyone. Would you like to know where this kind of friendship can be found... 6,5,4,3,2,1... 
                        Proverbs 18:24... 
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother"... Jesus Christ... Once you learn His meaning of friendship, maybe, just maybe, you will be able to fit the true descriptionof a friend... It all begins with you...

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Hava wonderful weekend ... and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰


Anonymous said...

Great day great day great Friday like this piece and I've considered myself a very good friend too myself anybody that knows me I think they consider me a decent decent friend have a great weekend great day

Eric Hill said...

This is so amazing πŸ˜ŠπŸ’

Anonymous said...

Great write-up

Let's Talk About It said...

Thank you

Let's Talk About It said...

Thank you Eric.. It is actually a lesson I had to learn...

Let's Talk About It said...

And I believe you to be just that..

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... 🎢" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...