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Monday, October 10, 2022

Page 6... Trust/ Intended You... Day 10

๐ŸŽถ"I been looking for hope, looking for strength, looking for someone I can call friend" 
Looking for you.. Fantasia

Happy New Week... Happy Columbus Day... 
Hopefully everyone had a wonderful weekend... A wonderful weekend filled with reflection, relaxing, and most importantly a time of releasing all unwanted stress... A time of searching for the Intended You...
                        Let's Talk About It...
How important is it to you for you to find the intentional you? Not what others may have intended for you, but what is your inner being crying out to you? Have you become so content with what others have defined you as being? If so, please release it. Being content does not make you settle. No... Being content is simply being at ease within for the moment, but never giving up on self improvement towards a better you.

.... With all that you have hidden inside of you, do you feel the need to bless it (restore), burn it (release), or bestow (pass onto someone else)? Ok let me make it plain... To bless it is to reignite the passion you once had and start over with an open mind... To burn it is to simply realize that the time has come to let it go and move in a new/better direction. To bestow it is to share yourself whole-hearted with others in hopes of a better future for them.
Now, I can't speak for everyone, so let me speak for Valerie. I, chose all 3, but the one that took more time was burning... Reason being... I needed to let go of something's that were toxic in my life and we all know that becoming "free from" takes time. Relationships/friendships, and yes family members, had to be burned in order for me to tap into the intended me. Was it easy? Absolutely not... As a matter of fact, I am still burning some things. Does it hurt? Absolutely. Especially when it comes to burning family members. It hurts terribly. There is no pain like family pain. It's like you are constantly trying to get their approval. Why is that? I don't understand. Why does it hurt so bad when family members hurt you? Is it because of the closeness that you have with one another?  Sure there are some family members that you can brush off with the quickness, but there are those that when you are hurt/ disappointed by, it cuts like a knife that is forever cutting. It's like the more you try to do, the less appreciative they are of you. You can accomplish and it's ok, but another family member can accomplish and its "let's have a party"...You are pattie caked while the other family member is loudly applauded.  Why?  I have two words... Envy and insecurities. Understand something what the well applauded received was an expected accomplishment, but you, yours could not be applauded because they never saw you as being/doing better. They labeled you without knowing the capacity of your intended being. Yes, this not only applies to family, it also happens at work, church, school, and the list goes on... But here's a news alert... For the sake of your health and sane mind, burn it down... Release all that is not beneficial. Carefully choose what you entertain. It is hard, but it is doable. Trust me, it is such a relief to the mind, body and soul when you burn unintentional beings. It's like milk, it does your body good...
                          Phillippians 3:13-14
Press forward... Inspite of how it may look in the eyes of others. Continue to liberate yourself. For in doing this, you find your intended you... What's it gonna be? You or 'dem all. Not "them" but "dem"... The unlearned people of not knowing who and whose you are... Have a wonderful day... and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Contact Information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

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Greetings Everyone... ๐ŸŽถ" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...