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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Page 7... Trust/Truth... Day 11

Great morning to you... 
๐ŸŽถ"I will choose and listen to the voice of truth"... Casting Crowns

Truth...a fact or belief...
Fake... Not genuine, counterfeit...

Whatever happened to just telling the truth? There was a time when speaking truth was valued/respected. Now in today's world if you speak truth you are being offensive or causing trouble. When did truth leave our livelihood and fakeness becomme permanent tenants at our residents? Where are we headed? 
                             "Let's Talk about It"

We walk around on egg shells because we don't want to offend the next person. Stop it. Let's just call a spade a spade... The truth reveals facts and along with the revelation comes a slight dose pain. It's a pain of correction and not destruction. Speaking truth is actually good. It defines your character. Now I'm not suggesting that in speaking truth you become obnoxious and rude.No. I am merely saying that you can speak truth with tactfulness. Speak it in a way that if the tables was turned, you would want it spoken to you.

Back in my time there was a game show called Truth or Consequences. The object of the game was to either reveal the truth to a trivia question or deal with the consequences which would be some form of prank. Many of the contestants would answer the question incorrectly for the pleasure of consequences. Crazy but true... Such as today's society... We rather have fake communication, fake personalities, fake love, etc instead of the real deal. Why is that? Could it be that you don't want to lose a friend, lover, money,etc.? Have we lost ourselves in the midst of trying to be ________?  
(fill in the blank). When did being the truth become a disease and the only cure was fakeness? 

Really, the truth does not hurt, it's the exposure of the truth that hurts. No one likes being called out. Even the man/woman that committed a crime does not want to be called out. They will deny truth until sentencing.. Peter was so afraid of what would happen to him if he revealed the truth about knowing Jesus that he repeated his untruths three times. Fear of the truth can not only hurt you, but it can also hurt others that you are involved with.
                         1John 3:18
  John 8:32... "You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free"... I did not say "set you free" for anything set is subject to be moved/altered. But if it "makes you free" that is a form of change occuring.

 So, you see speaking, showing being the truth never hurts it actually heals. Let's begin to heal. Starting with yourself first. Erase all the lies and fake actions you told/exposed yourself to and begin to let truth arise...
Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Tell/be the truth, shame the enemy...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰


Anonymous said...

Good morning Queen,
So true!! The saying the truth shall set you free, though it may hurt!

Anonymous said...

Great day great Tuesday I remember that game Truth or Consequences I always took to truth I was more afraid of the consequences I still feel that way today I prayed just spreads truth over consequences truth over everything thank you again great day

Anonymous said...

Once you tell the truth, you don't have to say anything else. When Jesus told Peter before the cock crow you would have denied me thrice, and Peter denied the truth, after Jesus said those words, He didn't respond because the truth was told. So with that being said when we speak the truth no need to respond.

Robert Bowers said...

People tell little white lies. For example if your girlfriend ask. How does this dress look on me. If you know she really loves the dress. You might say it looks beautiful. However, you really don't like the dress.No use in causing an argument over something small.

Let's Talk About It said...


Let's Talk About It said...

Truth will always stand

Let's Talk About It said...

White lies are still untrue. Honesty is the truth. Be tactful but honest

Let's Talk About It said...

That part

May 17... From Minor to Major

Greetings Everyone... ๐ŸŽถ" Glow of Love"... Change feat. Luther Vandross Its Wonderful Wednesday!!  Just want to leave ...