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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

2023-01-31... Hate (Mental Health)

Greetings Everyone... 
Happy New Month.. Hopefully all is well with you...
🎢" Let the music play"... Barry White 
Happy Black History Month
So, we have discussed two points when dealing with mental challenges... The first one that wr discussed was pride, which is self denial. Telling yourself that you dont need anyone is so not true  Everybody needs somebody sometimes...We then discussed blame gaming and how shifting the blame on others can only cause more damage. Learning to take full responsibility of one's own actions can be the breaking point to healing. Which brings us to our final topic... Hate... Oh yeah, I went there...

Hate... That is a very strong word. It has so much power ... More power than one can really imagine. That one word can easily destroy you both physically and mentally.

To actually hate someone is like giving another person control over you. How? Your main objective is revenge. Your daily thoughts are filled with rage. Whenever you see or hear that person's name, your entire attitude changes. Now to me, that's too much power to give to anyone... Let it go!!!
Yes, it is easier said than done, but you need to ask yourself this question... "What am I gaining by holding onto past pain"?...  Here's my answer... MORE PAIN... Let it go and begin to live again. Find your true happiness... Tap back into you... Love yourself again... Regain the one thing that keeps you... Peace... Give yourself another chance... Live again, love again, be you again... 

Have a wonderful day. Keep smiling...  If any negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, just simply say "not today"... and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Creative T-shirt Designer
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Give no man power over you

Sunday, January 29, 2023

03/14/23 Blame Gaming... (Mental Health)

Hello Everyone...
Well, we are now approaching mid-March. Tell the Lord "thank you"!

 Blame Gaming... O yeah, I'm going there.. We have a tendency to shift the blame on others so that we will have an excuse as to why we behave the way we do. Excuses... That is a No no... Taking responsibility for oneself is very important. Constantly blaming others can/will delay one's need of getting what is needed into becoming a better version of oneself. Yes, it is very easy to blame others, especially when we don't want to see the "man in the mirror". Release pride and blame gaming. Take full responsibility of the man in the mirror. Accept what it is and get the help needed. Talk with your physcian.  Don't try sharing your situation to a friend or relative. Why? Oftentimes they don't understand, and they have a tendency to pass judgement. Judging is not something one needs when dealing with mental challenges. Listening is what is needed... Talk with someone that will listen without passing judgement. Schedule/talk with  your physcian. He/she can/will get you on the road to recovery.
Again I say... it is very easy to blame others, especially when we don't want to see the "man in the mirror. Release pride and blame gaming. Take full responsibility of the man in the mirror. 
                     Have a wonderful day everyone... 
Keep smiling...

Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Dr. Prinzez Teel

Life Coach
Life Coach
Creative Designer...
Wall's Design..252.327.4938

*If negative energy should come your way today, don't debate it, simply look at it and say NOT TODAY as you walk away...and as always Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Friday, January 27, 2023


               Greetings Everyone... Its Favorable Friday
It's the weekend.. Wow! Time is moving fast. Each day seems to be moving faster. Ummmm. What does that mean to you? How does this affect you mentally? Are you afaid, anxious, or both?

Let's Talk About It... Whats your thoughts?

             Have a Fantastic Weekend...and as always
                             Peace and BlessingsπŸ˜‰

Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Custom Designed T-shirts 
Wall's Design

*Negative Energy... Not Today✌🏾

Thursday, January 26, 2023

It's Another's Days Journey...

Are you glad about it???

Greetings Everyone... 
                       Let's Talk About It with Valerie 

Mere words can never express the gratitude I have for each of you. Your feedbacks on different topics were/still is greatly appreciated. Prayerfully someone is being enlightened and are taking the steps needed in becoming a better version of themselves.

           Pointers Discussed on Mental Health 
#1.Looking at the "man in the mirror" is the first step to recovery... 
#2.Minimize pride. Admit to oneself that a shift (mentally) has occured. Do what is necessary...
#3.Seek counseling...

                             On another note
Each of us, at some point throughout our day, need to be reminded of how unique we are. When God created each individual, the mold was broken. There's no one anywhere in this world that can do you better than you. And with that being said...You are loved...

                               For your support 
 Have a terrific day... and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

*Should negative energy come your way today, don't debate... simply say... "Not today"😊

Let's Talk About It with Valerie

Custom T-shirt Designer...
Wall's Design

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

2023-01-24... Pride.. (Mental Health)... True Tuesday

Greetings Everyone ... 
                       Let's Talk about It with Valerie... 
                        🎢 "Songbid"... Kenny G
A few days ago we began  discussing Mental Health and how prevalent it is in all communities.
We also discussed one of the ways that PRIDE can be released. "Being right all the time is not as important as what's right...

During this Open Discussions, one viewer shared her thoughts on PRIDE ...

Viewer Comment...
"Good morning Everyone! Great topic. As I read this the word Pride really stood out.... which is a human trait but if you're not mindful/ careful it can become a negative force in our lives such as mental health issues, anxiety, anger just to name a few. This goes really deep especially if we search it out in all aspects of our lives! We have to stop finding someone or something to blame! Facing the man in the mirror can be very difficult! Keep going Val.

Did/have you ever heard the saying"pride comes before the fall"? Its true... Many of us have the mentality that we don't need one another. Well, that's so not true. Everybody need somebody sometimes. We were not put here in earth to do without each other. Having too much PRIDE can cause each of us to live a life of denial...
                       Let's begin to heal inside/out...

What's your thoughts?

                 Let's Talk About It .. Open Discussion

*Search for assistance... Talk it out with someone that is properly trained to listen. Not a friend, or relative, co worker, etc... No, no... They can't comprehend...
Visit your Primary Physician or visit your local Human Health Services.

**Stop denying yourself the breakthrough that is needed in regaining access to you again...
                              Have a wonderful day!
and as always... Peace and Blessings 😘

Let's Talk about It with Valerie

Mentor ...

Mentor ...
Vvvvv BB 
Custom T-shirt Designer...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

***Remember... "Negative Energy..."Not Today"

Saturday, January 21, 2023

23-01-23 ...Reclaim your Happiness (Mental Health)

🎢"Zoom" ... Commodores 
Greetings Everyone... Its Manifesting Monday

Manifesting...clear or obvious to the eye or mind.

On Friday we heard the thoughts of a viewer on Mental Health being a taboo in n the African American communities. Although this may be true, we should be willing to move past the obvious and  focus more on what is needed for us to heal inside/ out...
                                Let's Talk About It 

    Releasing pride is one step towards healing mentally...

"Being right" all the time is not as important as to "what's right for you"... Being able to say, "I was wrong, I apologize, etc., is much simplier than debating ... Again I say... You are human ... And being human means that you are subject to error... 

Who do you talk to?
-Take time to Schedule an appointment with your Physician and get what is needed for you in reclaiming your happiness...  Reclaim your purpose...
What are your thoughts?
...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ₯°
*Only YOU can make YOU happy 

LET'S TALK ABOUT IT with Valerie

Creative Designer... Wall's Design 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Mental Health... 2023-01-20

🎢Bill Withers
"Lovely Day"

Greetings Everyone... Its Favorable Friday... 
Some say Mental Health is a taboo in the African American communities. Although this may be true, my question is this, do we waver or do we move forward to get what is needed to obtain what is needed to help ourselves... What's your thoughts... Have a lovely weekend...
...and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Let's Talk About It

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Mental Health... 2023-01-19

Today we are continuing our open discussion on Mental Health...  Oh boy did I get some feedback.... Thank you everyone... This lets us know that Mental Health is a topic that is needed in today's society...

Self Admittance... Being able to identify with oneseelf is very important. Again I say, you are not crazy nor are you dysfunctional, you are a human being that at some point in your life came in contact with something/someone that offset you mentally.

On yesterday, a viewer pointed out that although mental health is real, it is more taboo in the African American society opposed to other cultures. I personally agree. Why? We as a race of color have been taught for years to supress our thoughts, feelings, and knowledge. Which in turn caused us to bottle up our emotions. Which resulted in silent frustration that sometimes led to DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, and PTSD..

Sure, there are other cultures that endure the same teachings, but speaking from the standpoint as an African American Woman, it is so prevalent in our culture than others. We have for many years been restricted to remain silent, walk slow, and never question... So not cool...

But, its a new day, its a new way, and I'm feeling good...
Expressing one's insight to particular situations is another step to healing. Being able to express verbally one's insight is truly a great way to obtain the road of recovery. Now I'm not suggesting that you speak without thinking. Absolutely not. I am merely suggesting that one should be able to express verbally in a manner that frees one's mind from any unnecessary trauma without being confrontational.

So with that being said, what are you thoughts pertaining to the comment listed above?... 
                           Open Discussion...

Let's Talk About It
... and as always
Peace and Blessings πŸ˜‰

Mental Health...2023-01-18

🎢 Kenny G... "Songbird"

Mental Health is a quiet topic that much of society tend to label as crazy or dysfunctional. However, I disagree... With all that has transpired in our society today, eveyone at one point has indeed experienced mental issues.
Having Mental Health issues does not/ should not label anyone as crazy. The fact is, it is real in all ethnicity. For some it was the death of a dear loved one. Some had to deal with loss of employment, wayward child, racism, and yes the cares and concerns of our political parties( leaders)

Anyway we may look at it, we must be honest with ourselves in first admitting that something transpired in our lives that took a toll on the mind. This is not to say you are crazy, no no, it merely indicates that you are human and you have feelings.

So, let's begin to heal inside/out. Let's take the first step. What is the first step? Im so glad you asked. The first and most important step is... SELF ADMITTANCE...
When one can openly admit to themselves that something has transpired that caused a shifting mentally, one is truly on the road to recovery. Afterall, being honest with oneseelf shows that there is something inside of you that has a strong desire to move forward. 

Take a moment and reflect on how you got where you are and then ask yourself what you can do to get to a better place mentally.

Let's Talk About It
...and as always
Peace and Blessings 😘

Life be Life-ing...

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're getting"  Forrest Gump Greetings... I hope that all is well with...