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Sunday, October 30, 2022

Page 17... Communication/Family... Day 31

Hello...Can we talk... Can we talk about the importance of "FAMILY" communication?
How do you view the importance of family?.
Do you view family as a very important foundation or is it just a foundation?

Many of us today have for some reason or another strayed away from family morals/talk. We believe that they can make it without our family.  So not true. Take it from me, I may not agree with everything some family members say or do you me, but at the end of the day, we are still family There are several things that can cause division between family. Maybe it was due to disappointing matters, favoritism among other family members, different beliefs, or can I say it... Marriage... Yes, these things can drive some hard nails in the heart, but you must learn the 2 key elements to healing... 3, 2, 1... Forgiveness and Communication... These two elements will always remind you that
Yes, I get it. There's no hurt like family hurt,  believe me I know, but can I tell you that if you never confront, you will forever give others power over you... Now, I didn't say bring up a discussion with attitude, heck no,  that's more fuel added to the fire, what I am merely saying is that whatever transpired days, weeks, months, or years, should at some point be resolved. Sure, the pain may hurt, but how do you expect the pain to go away without treatment? What is the treatment plan? Communication...It's like walking on eggshells expecting them not to crack.  Impossible...You must find a way to confront and resolve all issues and realize that your immediate/distant family is a part of you that has helped enhance one of the best version of you.

Understand, before there was a job, a new house, car, new location, there was "fam"... You can deny it all you want, but when the tough was tougher, and the good got better, family (some) was always there to either encourage or celebrate you. True, they will talk about you, some will even envy you, but again I say, family is a part of you that enhanced the best version of you. Without them, oh well, you finish it.

Now, before you shut me down, take a moment to replay "before I got here" who was there for me?...
5,4,3,2,1... Family... You may want to claim yourself, or Friends, but in the real world it's called Family. There is one thing for certain and two things for sure, family is not something you choose, family is ordained/pre-destined.  Real Talk... 
                         Hebrews 10:24-25
 What would your family look like if you had the opportunity to choose? What would be so different about your choice of family opposed to God's choice?
Do you believe your life would be better off without the family you have now? Let's Talk About It...

Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Family is not an important thing, it's everything 
...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Page 18... Be Prepared ... Day 28

Happy Friday,YAY!!!... Enjoy your life for you only have one life to live... Have a wonderful weekend...
Thank you Courtney๐Ÿ˜˜

                         "Let's Talk About It"
*Message Shared by Courtney...
Be Prepared

Throughout His ministry, Jesus often used illustrations when giving instructions, compelling His listener to consider a deeper meaning. And when empowering His disciples, right before sending them out into the world, Jesus told them:

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

What do a bunch of animals have to do with Jesus’ directions? Here are a few things to note:

First, Jesus didn’t romanticize the disciples’ mission. He didn’t entice them with comfort, luxury, or a false sense of security. Instead, He prepared them for what was ahead by warning them of pending danger—of “wolves” who would try to destroy them. 

Second, Jesus compared His disciples to sheep. Not power-hungry and dominant animals like lions, tigers, or bears, but obedient and humble animals like sheep. And sheep need to stick close to the Shepherd—and to each other—for protection and progress.

Third, Jesus advised His disciples to be wise like snakes, yet innocent like doves. To use their brains while also keeping tender hearts. To not forsake their intuition while also keeping themselves pure. To leverage their wit while also remaining blameless.

And even though Jesus gave this particular message to the disciples that were with Him face to face, His words still apply to His followers today. 

We live in a good-yet-fractured world. A world where evil is allowed to exist—for a temporary allotment of time. But, despite the wickedness we see on the news and in our own neighborhoods…

We have been sent into the world—to be wise and righteous, to be smart and tender, to be truth and grace.

So be prepared for resistance—because we have a real enemy.

But remember who you are—because you’re a child of God.

***And don’t forget to use your brain and your heart—because God gave you both.

Let's Talk About It 
Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

Always remember this...
... and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Page 17... Decisions... Day 27

๐Ÿค—Well Great Morning to you. Hopefully your night was as pleasant as you are...
                             Let's Talk About It 
Decisions, decisions, decisions... O my what am I going to do? 
Everyday we are faced with the sometimes dreadful thought of deciding what to do in a particular situation.
Things like what am I going to wear today? Should I wear heels or flats? What am I going to eat for breakfast (major challenge for me). Do I want to go to work today? Decisions... Always something going on inside our heads... Is there ever a moment where we don't have to decide upon something? Unfortunately there is not. Even when we are driving to work, we are constantly making decisions... Music selection, quicker route to work, nice or nice nasty attitude. All major issues and guess what, this is all done between 0600-0800. SMH...

As strange as it may sound 
.                                     FACT
Choosing to not make a decision is truly a decision within itself. So, with that being said, let's talk about some tough decisions...
Tough decisions such as do I pursue my dream or do I wait and continue to dream? Do I move into a better neighborhood for the sake of peace and better living or do I stay where I am and deal with the same unwanted, unprotected drama Do I stay in this one sided marriage/relationship, or do I pursue my happiness alone? Do I pursue a better career or do I remain underpaid? These are tough decisions that many of us are facing today or has at one point faced. Some of us made the decision to take the challenge while many of us are still waiting on an answer that constantly pounds their heads. What's the answer... CHANGE... Yes, change... Although change does not always feel good, it is a fact that if you never try it, you will never experience better.

Each day that you are granted another opportunity called life should be a day that you have one thought. That thought is this...
Having this mentality not only motivates, it also helps you make the decision to grasp change and go for the unknown. Understand, nothing happens without your participation. This is truly a decision that is solely on you. So, what's it gonna be? Pursue or remain?  Do yourself a favor, make your decision proud ... 
๐ŸŽถ"Start with the man in the mirror, make that change" Michael Jackson...

Contact information
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Until you make a sound decision to change, you will always recycle  your experiences...Ponder on that.
...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

3/15/23 Pay Attention...

Great day everyone... 
It's Wednesday... Official Hump Day 
                                  " Let's Talk About It "
๐ŸŽถSister Act 2 Soundtrack
( Valeria Andrews And Ryan Toby )
If you wanna be somebody
If you wanna go somewhere
You better wake up and pay attention

How many times have you been instructed to pay attention  to people, places, and things?. 
Whether it was school, work, or pleasure, awareness was/is second nature. 

You know, life has a way of presenting challenges. Some are more difficult than others. Whether it be a wayward child, a painful break up, loss of employment, or health issues, these challenges can cause you to pause life mentally. And although the warning signs were there, you didn't pay attention. Why... Was it because you never thought it would happen to you? Or could it be that you assumed and took the situation for granted.
One should never say they didn't see a particular incident coming. No, you saw it coming, you just didn't want to change. Did you know that paying attention and change are relatives? Yes, they are brother and sister. They are constantly together. Whenever something is requiring your attention, change is standing next to attention asking the question "are you willing"?  Nothing just happens. There are always ⚠️ signs, but due to stubbornness, pride, self righteousness, arrogance, etc, you can't see nor hear the bell ringing. You ignore all the red flags and then "with"warning 
๐ŸŽถreality steps in and shocks you into the presence 
and all you can do is is ask yourself over and over, why๐ŸŽถ Cameo... 
Reason being... 5,4,3,2,1... You did not or you refused to pay attention. Which in return caused bitterness, anger, frustration.You then became disatisfied with yourself (but blame others). 

Sometimes your greatest lesson is a lesson without words... Pay attention...

                           *1Timothy 4:16*
Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.
... and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Page 15... Reciprocity/Relationships... Day 25

 Reciprocity in relationships is the mutual exchange of energy and support between partners....
                              Terrific Tuesday 
๐ŸŽถ"Its so good loving somebody and somebody loves you back, and that a fact"... Teddy Pendergrass...
To receive love in the same manner in which you express your love is the most rewarding act of life.  Sharing a part of your hopes, dreams, desires with your partner is such a rewarding feeling. You both share the same passion, the same goals, and you both value one another voice.  Wonderful....You both want the best for each other. No strings attached. Just pure, genuine, completion of one another. O what a wonderful experience.

 Having a mutual understanding of you and your partner not only feels good inwardly, but it looks good outwardly. Believe it or not the way you feel shows on your face... Earth Wind and Fire... 
The relationship shared between you and your partner are constantly on display. Coworkers, children, relatives, are constantly viewing you. Some are thrilled and eager to learn from your relationship, while others, oh well, you already know. But for whatever reason there might be, at the end of the day, all that really matters is how strong and positive your relationship is between you and your partner...
Now before you speak/ask the question concerning my views on how a relationship should be between 2 people, allow me set the record straight. I am a single woman that will not point out how, when, where, and what a relationship between others should be. No, no... My views are totally different from yours. Me advising you on how to connect with your partner is like me telling you how to bake a cake that you have baked several times.  You don't have instructions, you don't measure, you just add what is needed until it begins to shape into form that you are looking for. In other words, do you. Understand this... I am not here to link you in with my opinion. Absolutely not. Why? 5,4,4,2,1... because what works for me may not necessarily work for you. It's a personal bond that is shared between the two of you.  Only you two know what works.

Which brings me to this point...  Your relationship with God is between you and God. No one can tell you how to praise or worship God... Why? It's a personal relationship. Personal.... One on one... Just because my praise isn't as radical as your praise, does not mean your relationship is deeper than mine. We are all uniquely designed by the Father. Each of us has our own way of connecting with our God. He designed us like that. There are no two people alike. We may have similarities, but underneath the similarities, there is differerences. There are so many ways to express reciprocity. Whether it be in the form of partnership or praise, we can all agree that it is based on an individual service. Just like some may define their mutual exchange of energy through words, silent gestures, or open affection. (Personal)... That same law applies with a praiser. Some may express their praise through tears, clapping of hands, shouting, or dancing...  which al leads to one word ...Personal... There is not an instruction pad instructing you how to praise God... it was simply written... "let everything that has breath, praise the Lord." There may have been added tools used in praising, but to tell you how to clap, cry, dance... Negative. It's personal... Now, I know some of my fellow scholars may say different, and it's okay. I am not one to debate that issue. Actually, I am not here to debate period. All I am saying is this... Psalms 22:3... "God inhabits (lives,dwells in) the praises of His people"
We have no right to say what is true praise and what is not. Each of us has a personal relationship with God. Bottom line...

 God knows the sincerity of each of us. There is no certain look for praise or worship. Just like there is no certain look on true love. It's all done on a personal level. The only understanding needed is...
                                 John 3:16
Which was and is to come a mutual exchange of energy and support that was given to each of us over 2000 years ago on a personal/individual basis...

"Let's Talk About It"
Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Just because I don't look, think or act like you does not imply that you have the upper hand... It has only 2 words...uniquely created 
...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Page 14... Life... Trick or Treat... Day 24

Happy New Week...๐Ÿค—
 Hopefully everyone had a pleasant weekend...                                  "Let's Talk About It"
.  ๐ŸŽถ"I love me, baby I don:t know 'bout you, but I love me"... Meghan Trainor 
It's another day... Another day for you to tap into who you are. Another day full of possibilities. Another day to just tell the Lord THANK YOU...

Not only is it a day of thanksgiving, it's also that time of the year that brings on changes and for some people, challenges. Leaves are changing, causing the yard to look unattractive. (Major nerve challenge for me)... Pecans falling  from the trees,(profit) sunlight ending early, and yes that day called Halloween... The time of the year where many become a different character/ personalitya for at least 24 hours. Many will buy a costume, change their hair color(wigs), paint their face, etc. It's the time of the year where you will hear "Trick or Treat"... Back in the day, when I was a Halloween girl, we had a song that we would sing whenever we knocked on our neighbors door. It went like this..."trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat" Those we're fun, clean, safe days. 
     ๐ŸŽถ I think about the good times we shared together..
                                Jackson 5
So much has changed down through the years. What was once innocent fun is now monitored by the police. No more door to door trick or treat. Why? 5,4,3,2,1... Too many tricks. Tricks that in today's time will bring on minor/major tragedies. A trick that no one wants to experience. Whatever happen to fun times... Whatever happened to people loving one another?  What's the one thing to avoid tricks ...5,4,3,2,1...
Reality treatment on yourself...
               -Are you tricking due to past hurt...
 Let it go...
              -Are you tricking due to your insecurities?... 
Tap into you and not other people views concerning you.

 Life is not a trick... No, life is a treat! Each day we receive the treat called breath.. treated with health... treated with activity of our body parts... treated with a sound mind. 

๐ŸŽถAll my life you have been faithful, all my life you've been so good... The goodness of God" CeCe Winas 

No tricks... Only treats... Don't you just love the treat that you receive daily without tricks? 
Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938
*Life is a treat... Enjoy being you.. 1Cor.15:10
...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Friday, October 21, 2022

Page 13... Lovely Day... Day 21

๐ŸŽถ"when I wake up in the morning, love
       and the sunlight hurts my eyes
        and something without warning, love
         Bears heavy on my mind....
Lovely Day... Bill Withers
                              "Let's Talk About It"
Great Morning to you... Make today a great day... 
Let all negative energy be like water on a duck's back. Let it roll off... There's someone that needs your positive energy, release it... 
Stay true to yourself...
Keep smiling... Love yourself and others. and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938
*Nothing happens until you make it happen... 
                      James 2: 14-26
Have a lovely weekend...๐Ÿค—

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Page 12... Unwind... Day 20

Ringtone... Ain't nobody got time for that...Zedge app

Ring, ring, ring... This is the sound of your phone throughout the day. Constantly ringing or sending notifications of incoming messages. Someone is always tracking you. 

๐ŸŽถ"Makes you wanna holler throw up both my hands" Marvin Gaye... Inner City Blues...
                               "Let's Talk About It"
 All day every day we are being asked to be important to someone or something. If it's not a personal text or personal call, it is a solicitor sharing their 
"better version'' of opportunities. Makes you want to holler sometimes.  Not saying you are not interested in what is being shared, but this thing called life sometimes needs a moment of serenity(peace)...

Peace is so important that if not applied daily will cause other dysfunctional problems both mentally and physically. It is the key factor to maintaining a healthy mind and body. Oftentimes many believe that if they are busy they are important.... Newsflash... Wrong thought... Being too busy doesn't make you important. Being too busy will eventually cause you to become sick. Just like the sun needs rest from providing nutrients and light daily, so does the body. It needs time for regrouping and rejuvenation. In other words..  the body needs both physical and mental detoxing... Peace...

A clean(peaceful) mind produces positive energy.  An overworked mind creates frustration. Now I can't speak for everyone, but as for me, peace is my way. You will never understand the importance of peace until you have experienced life  without it. Having a peace of mind will allow you to produce a better life for you and your circle of family/friends/associates. If you disagree, engage yourself with a negative conversation and watch how quickly your level of energy go from 95 to 45 within a matter of 3 minutes. On the flip side, if want want to experience your energy level rise from 45 to 95 engage in something positive. 

What is peace to you? Are you  willing to disconnect from certain people, places, and things? If you could put a price tag on peace, what would the value market be? Do you desire to have that peace that surpasses all understanding?... Phillippians 4:7 

Peace is not something you order when needed... Peace is a lifestyle. It is one of the most precious gifts you could ever receive. It's not overly expensive, it can actually fits anyone's budget, but you must be willing to release anything/anyone that pulls you away from truth into a world of darkness. You, me, we have everything needed within us. The only requirement is John 3:16.

Contact info...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Release all that drains you and grab hold of peace...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Page 11... Spoken Words... Day 19

๐ŸŽถ"and I think to myself, what a wonderful world"
Louis Armstrong

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"  How many of you remember this saying growing up?  How many of you realize today that this is so untrue. Asfar as the east is from the west... never connecting,  so is this saying. Words can not only hurt you emotionally, words can also destroy a person's life mentally.
                                 "Let's Talk About It"
 Is your philosophy whatever comes up comes out? Or are you cautious and careful of what comes out of you mouth?

                          James 1: 19-27

Growing up in the 60-70's, it was nothing to hear someone call you out of your name. Words or phrases such as   you are stupid, n....., You ain't going to never amount to nothing, you just like your daddy, etc. Words that once spoken can not be taken back and can possibly destroy a person's life permanently. 

Some may disagree by saying, "well they asked for it" or "they deserved what I said" and here's my favorite, " if you don't want the truth, don't ask me"... Ok Judge John and Jane Doe, I get all of that, but what I don't get is your wording and the force behind your words. Now, I am not going to pretend that I don't ever speak first think later, Absolutely not... What I am saying is I am becoming more aware of my words and how much of an effect it has on others. Will I always be aware of this?... Nope... Will I try to improve?... Indeed... 

Spoken words have power... "The power of life and death is in the tongue" Your word is you bond that can either encourage or discourage. Got a question??? 
 How would you feel if someone you considered an associate, spouse, partner, co worker, family member, never had anything positive to say about anyone or anything? You know that person as to when you see them coming you mumble under your breath "o Lord here comes this" and then fake a smile...๐Ÿ˜ Truthfully speaking, that individual is miserable within and if you continue to entertain that type of behavior, eventually you will become miserable. I am not saying you should have nothing to do with that person, no no, that's a cry for help silently. What I am suggesting is that whenever you are in this person presence, for every negative spoken word, speak life... Let your spoken words be a light into their dark world. I promise you either one or 2 things will happen... 1... They will receive and make changes mentally, or 2... They will slowly stop coming around you and find another prey...Whatever they decide, just know you took the high road.

Contact info...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Positive words/work create results beyond human comprehension...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Monday, October 17, 2022

Page 10... Celebrate ๐Ÿฅ‚.. Day18

                               Let's Talk About It
Great Morning to you...

When was the last time you celebrated alone? Yes, I said alone... Just you... How did it feel? Was it a "calgon take me away" moment? Or was it a moment of sadness? Whichever you produced, did it bring contentment or is that you haven't learned the value to contentment within yourself...

๐ŸŽถ"Learning to love yourself, is the greatest gift of all"

Oftentimes we make the mistake of relying on others to give us something that can only be received if it resides within. Some find happiness only when someone is giving them materialistic things. But what happens if none of these things are given to you? Do you waste the gift called life because you didn't receive anything. Or do you make the best of your day just being content with what you have. Me personally, depending upon the day and my mood, I will buy myself flowers. If I want orchids, I don't wait for someone to purchase them for me. I get them for myself. Not being cocky, just celebrating...  And you know what, it feels so good...

Growing up in the 70's ,women were looked down upon if they bought themselves flowers. They were classified as being lonely or desperate for a man... I didn't understand it then, and I still don't get the concept of their thinking, but hey it's a new life, it's a new dawn, it's a new day and I'm feeling good about me. Therefore, when I want flowers, I buy flowers.....
Point... Say you're single and you want to purchase something that is categorized as a male purchase, should you wait until "he" comes along to shower you with gifts? Absolutely not... Do you... Go make yourself happy. If buying a new item brings you happiness, do it. If going out to dinner alone brings you happiness, do it. Whatever brings you happiness in that moment, do it. Stop looking for others to give you something that you haven't give yourself... Happiness is within...

Ladies... No man wants an incomplete woman, and gentlemen, we, (50+ women) some, definitely do not want an incomplete man. We are to accent/compliment each other. You can not build anything without a foundation... You can not bake a cake without flour... There must be a seed in the ground in order to reap the harvest. And with every harvest, there should always be gratitude. 
Having a heart of gratitude allows you to really experience true contentment from within. It's not something you can completely explain, but you know it's there. Take time for yourself... Not only is it a great mental break, but it is also a healthy break. Do it... Your body will appreciate/celebrate it very well.. It's like milk, it does the body good....

Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Celebrate ๐Ÿฅ‚... and as always
Peace and Blessings

Page 9... Trust...Hate/Haters... Day 17

"what they doing, smile in your face all the time they want to take you place, those backstabbers" The O'Jays

What make people hate on other people? Why are we constantly at war amongst ourselves? Power, prestige, money, etc... What exactly makes you have a strong dislike against someone that resembles you but is not you?
                                "Let's Talk About It"
To often I hear, see and experience hate/haters... But before I go into a series of why it is unnecessary to hate on others, please note that all comments pertaining to the topics are welcomed either via comment section on blog site or you can email directly at Should you leave comments on blog site, please include your email and check box that reads "notify me". I will respond...

Back at the ranch... Why do we hate on others? Is it human nature? What is it about another person's identity causes you to hate... Understand there are many forms of hate. Some hate because of skin color, which to me is wasteful hate simply because none of us chose our color. Some hate because of looks, which can be recified by self awareness. Sexual preferences, which is an individual choice. And the list goes on..

Were you taught early on in your life to hate someone because they look, act, think, dress, better than you? If so, may I strongly suggest that you deflate that ballon and begin to live a new life. What's the new life? Acceptance.... Accept the fact that everyone is not you. Therefore you hating on someone because of their difference's is pointless... This is hate...

On the flip side, you have haters thatNow haters are interesting... Why? Because they are secretly hating on you for you being you... so silly... but want to be you at the same time... REAL silly... In other words... backstabbers. Just because another person has achieved what they desire should never make you jealous of their accomplishments. Instead it should  encourage you. This is my belief. However, I am not a fool. I know that somethings will never change for many. Heck, someone reading this blog today is a hater. And It's okay... Hopefully if you continue to follow my blogs, perhaps, maybe, I hope so, you will begin to see the importance of how being you is needed. You will realize that your uniqueness is someone else's breaking ground to freedom. Be you... I can't say this enough. You are enough... Once you realize that, aw shucks, you will erase being a hater and become a celebrator... Again, I am not a fool... There will always be haters... Genesis 4:8... so for those of you that ... know this

So in conclusion know this... Hebrews 13:5, 1Cor.13:4...
Entertaining hate is mentally draining for you. The time used hating another human due to their differences is time you can be using for self development. And the time you put into being a hater, well that's just wasted time that you are losing secretly trying to be someone else.

" Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Don't hate... Celebrate...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Page 8.... Trust/Love... Day 13

๐ŸŽถ"What's love got to do got do do with it what's love but a secondhand emotion" Tina Turner...
                                "Let's Talk About It "
It was 1993 and every heart broken female was singing this song... Singing a song from pain of either physical or mental abuse. There was not a woman anywhere that did not know the lyrics to this song... "Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken ". O my, I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just ended a relationship with someone. A relationship that was one sided. A relationship where his mouth said one thing, but his actions showed another... Ump, thank God for deliverance.. After being hurt time after time after time, I asked him that famous question... "Whats love got to do with how you treat me? Nothing... O my, what a lesson. A lesson that I am still cleaving to. A lesson that taught me that inspite of all I endured, love ( not his kind of love), but the love for myself, had everything to do with it.

You see, it was through the disappointment, that love taught me one thing. Know your worth and keep moving forward. Was it difficult at first? Sure it was. I categorized every man as my ex... However, as time progressed, I realized that comparison was only causing me pain. The kind of pain that made me angry.
But with time and self development, I learned that love was not something that appeared, love was/is a life lesson.

You see, it was love that rescued me from being a cold hearted person. It was love that made me become a better person. How? I began to love me. Loving me made me love others. Loving me caused me to see others in a new way. No longer do I compare, instead I respect, smile and give/show them the greatest gift that money can't buy.  Unconditional love...  No comparison, no anger, no revenge, no expectations, just the simple motto... treat people how I want to be treated. And guess what, it feels so good...
So the next time someone approach you with what's love got to do with it, tell them this... Living He loved me, dying He saved me, buried He carried my sins far way. Rising He justified, freed me forever, one day He's coming back, one glorious day.... And once you/they comprehend that thought, I promise you, loving yourself and  others, in spite of, becomes contagious...

Have a wonderful day. Keep smiling... Show/give love even to those that are clueless that love has everything, and I mean everything to do with it.๐Ÿ˜˜

Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938
*Give what you want in return... Give love... and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Page 7... Trust/Truth... Day 11

Great morning to you... 
๐ŸŽถ"I will choose and listen to the voice of truth"... Casting Crowns

Truth...a fact or belief...
Fake... Not genuine, counterfeit...

Whatever happened to just telling the truth? There was a time when speaking truth was valued/respected. Now in today's world if you speak truth you are being offensive or causing trouble. When did truth leave our livelihood and fakeness becomme permanent tenants at our residents? Where are we headed? 
                             "Let's Talk about It"

We walk around on egg shells because we don't want to offend the next person. Stop it. Let's just call a spade a spade... The truth reveals facts and along with the revelation comes a slight dose pain. It's a pain of correction and not destruction. Speaking truth is actually good. It defines your character. Now I'm not suggesting that in speaking truth you become obnoxious and rude.No. I am merely saying that you can speak truth with tactfulness. Speak it in a way that if the tables was turned, you would want it spoken to you.

Back in my time there was a game show called Truth or Consequences. The object of the game was to either reveal the truth to a trivia question or deal with the consequences which would be some form of prank. Many of the contestants would answer the question incorrectly for the pleasure of consequences. Crazy but true... Such as today's society... We rather have fake communication, fake personalities, fake love, etc instead of the real deal. Why is that? Could it be that you don't want to lose a friend, lover, money,etc.? Have we lost ourselves in the midst of trying to be ________?  
(fill in the blank). When did being the truth become a disease and the only cure was fakeness? 

Really, the truth does not hurt, it's the exposure of the truth that hurts. No one likes being called out. Even the man/woman that committed a crime does not want to be called out. They will deny truth until sentencing.. Peter was so afraid of what would happen to him if he revealed the truth about knowing Jesus that he repeated his untruths three times. Fear of the truth can not only hurt you, but it can also hurt others that you are involved with.
                         1John 3:18
  John 8:32... "You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free"... I did not say "set you free" for anything set is subject to be moved/altered. But if it "makes you free" that is a form of change occuring.

 So, you see speaking, showing being the truth never hurts it actually heals. Let's begin to heal. Starting with yourself first. Erase all the lies and fake actions you told/exposed yourself to and begin to let truth arise...
Contact information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Tell/be the truth, shame the enemy...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Monday, October 10, 2022

Page 6... Trust/ Intended You... Day 10

๐ŸŽถ"I been looking for hope, looking for strength, looking for someone I can call friend" 
Looking for you.. Fantasia

Happy New Week... Happy Columbus Day... 
Hopefully everyone had a wonderful weekend... A wonderful weekend filled with reflection, relaxing, and most importantly a time of releasing all unwanted stress... A time of searching for the Intended You...
                        Let's Talk About It...
How important is it to you for you to find the intentional you? Not what others may have intended for you, but what is your inner being crying out to you? Have you become so content with what others have defined you as being? If so, please release it. Being content does not make you settle. No... Being content is simply being at ease within for the moment, but never giving up on self improvement towards a better you.

.... With all that you have hidden inside of you, do you feel the need to bless it (restore), burn it (release), or bestow (pass onto someone else)? Ok let me make it plain... To bless it is to reignite the passion you once had and start over with an open mind... To burn it is to simply realize that the time has come to let it go and move in a new/better direction. To bestow it is to share yourself whole-hearted with others in hopes of a better future for them.
Now, I can't speak for everyone, so let me speak for Valerie. I, chose all 3, but the one that took more time was burning... Reason being... I needed to let go of something's that were toxic in my life and we all know that becoming "free from" takes time. Relationships/friendships, and yes family members, had to be burned in order for me to tap into the intended me. Was it easy? Absolutely not... As a matter of fact, I am still burning some things. Does it hurt? Absolutely. Especially when it comes to burning family members. It hurts terribly. There is no pain like family pain. It's like you are constantly trying to get their approval. Why is that? I don't understand. Why does it hurt so bad when family members hurt you? Is it because of the closeness that you have with one another?  Sure there are some family members that you can brush off with the quickness, but there are those that when you are hurt/ disappointed by, it cuts like a knife that is forever cutting. It's like the more you try to do, the less appreciative they are of you. You can accomplish and it's ok, but another family member can accomplish and its "let's have a party"...You are pattie caked while the other family member is loudly applauded.  Why?  I have two words... Envy and insecurities. Understand something what the well applauded received was an expected accomplishment, but you, yours could not be applauded because they never saw you as being/doing better. They labeled you without knowing the capacity of your intended being. Yes, this not only applies to family, it also happens at work, church, school, and the list goes on... But here's a news alert... For the sake of your health and sane mind, burn it down... Release all that is not beneficial. Carefully choose what you entertain. It is hard, but it is doable. Trust me, it is such a relief to the mind, body and soul when you burn unintentional beings. It's like milk, it does your body good...
                          Phillippians 3:13-14
Press forward... Inspite of how it may look in the eyes of others. Continue to liberate yourself. For in doing this, you find your intended you... What's it gonna be? You or 'dem all. Not "them" but "dem"... The unlearned people of not knowing who and whose you are... Have a wonderful day... and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Contact Information...
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

Friday, October 7, 2022

Page 5... Trust/Friends... Day 7

๐ŸŽถ"Count on me through thick and thin, a friendship that will never end. When you are weak, I will be strong, helping you to carry on"...
 CeCe Winas/Whitney Houston 

According to Webster a friend is a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection...
WOW!!! According to that definition, how many of us have at least 3? Mutual, ( keyword),  bond with  affection through relations. So if that is truth, how many of us have at least one friend. 

 Just like a precious jewel, a true friend is rare...  It's like searching for a needle in a haystack. Very difficult to find...

๐ŸŽถ"Friends, how many of us have them, friends one you can depend on... Let's be friends"... Whodini
Two words that are often thrown around like a ball is Friends and Love... We, as a people, say these two words more than we say "forgive me". Every day there is a friend request via Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and the list goes on. People we never seen, heard of, or in many instances will never meet, wants to be our friends 

Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that they can't become your friend. Please don't misconstrue my words. I am merely asking how many friends do we have in our lives that fit the description according to the quote listed above?  Is it possible to obtain a relationship with someone to that capacity? Better yet, is it possible for you to obtain the description with yourself? Ummm. 

Oftentimes we want something from someone else that we haven't applied to ourselves. We want others to fight, respect, include, encourage, need, deserve, stand by us but we haven't applied those principles to our own lives. Do you not know that in order to receive what you desire from others, you must be willing to offer the same.  Your requirements from others is a reflection of what you require of yourself. It is so wrong to expect loyalty from someone else when you are not loyal to yourself. It's like doing the same thing but expecting different results. Absolutely impossible... 

The same applies to friendship. You can't expect friendly from another human being when you haven't put in the work of being friendly. In order to get something you have to give something. Not material giving,  for that eventually fades away, but give honesty, give love, give peace, give something of value... Give you... The real you... It's not difficult to do when you are true to you. It is actually refreshing for both you and the recipient. 
Although true friendship is rare, it is obtainable. As a matter of fact there is a friendship that is true everyday, all day and is available to everyone. Would you like to know where this kind of friendship can be found... 6,5,4,3,2,1... 
                        Proverbs 18:24... 
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother"... Jesus Christ... Once you learn His meaning of friendship, maybe, just maybe, you will be able to fit the true descriptionof a friend... It all begins with you...

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

* Hava wonderful weekend ... and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Page 4... Trust/Yourself... Day 6

                           Do you trust yourself?

๐ŸŽถ"Look what you've done, look what you've done in me.You spoke Your truth into the lies I let my heart believe. Look at me now, look how You made me new"
                              Tasha Layton

Understand when I ask do you trust yourself is not to be taken as trusting you.  My question is do you trust the power that lies within you. Are you trusting Who you claim to believe or are you trusting the words of what others suggest you believe?

Oftentimes we wait on a word from others to pursue a desire we have for ourselves. Even though we may have a vision for ourselves, many of us delay the vision because we are waiting on confirmation through the mouth of someone else. Well, if you really think about it, the need for someone to confirm your vision is in reality a lack of trust within yourself. Why do I say that?  I'm so glad you asked...
Putting/waiting to be confirmed by another human concerning your vision is like telling God that you trust Him partially. That is so wrong. What makes you believe God can speak to others concerning you but can't speak to you directly. What makes you feel the need to be validated by another human being? 
Example...Inward voice... "For I know the plans I have for you say the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future"..
Outside voice "God told me to tell you that He has great plans for your future"... Understand both voices spoke the same thing but for some reason, you were more receptive of the outside voice opposed to the inward voice. Why is that? Do you need confirmation for everything, or can you Trust the inward you? Your inward trust is a reflection of your outward actions.
                          Jeremiah 29:11

Please don't misunderstand me. I am by no means suggesting that everytime you hear a voice speaking inwardly that you are to dive in. No. What I am saying is trust the inward man. Trust yourself. Listen closely to what is being spoken directly to you from within. Stop waiting to be confirmed and just believe. Trust yourself(inward you) to the point that if no one ever validates/confirm you, you will achieve the mission set before you simply because you learned to trust the Author of of Trust.

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*๐ŸŽถ"Alright it's gonna be alright... Alright, together we can make this journey" Zapp... and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Page 3... Trust/ Silence... Day 5

Silence... Complete absence of sound...

"Shhhhhh.... I just need everything to be still for a few minutes"....
Have you ever experienced those moments in your life? A time where you just needed to erase all noise inside and outside your head. A place where all you here is nothing...
Silence is the sanctuary of peace...

๐ŸŽถ There's a weapon we must use in our defense... Our lips are sealed" Hilary/Haylie Duff

Do you remember the saying " silence is golden"?
Sometimes its  best to say nothing. Why? 5,4,3,2,1...
Wasted words... Especially if you are speaking with someone that doesn't seem to comprehend or should I say refuse to listen. 
Just like your time is valuable, so are your words... Your words have power. So before you share your power with anyone undeserving, just remain silent 
Wasted words produce minimum results. Sometimes you must look but not speak. Why? For the sake of peace...  Your power, your peace and your purpose weighs more than trying to be correct. Although you may be totally correct, or defend yourself, just say nothing... Eventually your version of the truth will be heard.
                           Proverbs 17:28
In other words... you are blessed by holding your tongue. Ultimately, refraining from speaking in certain situations means you are practicing self-control...

Just like every question does not deserve an answer, neither does every comment deserve a response. Silence is golden... 
       Silence is peace... 
               Silence is wisdom...
                       Silence is rewarding...
Why give up your golden moments of peace for the sake of proving a point... It's pointless. Share your wisdom with like minded people.
                               Matthew 7:6

Choose what you speak, when you speak, and to whom you speak your wisdom with. Silence is very beneficial...

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*The most powerful thing you can say sometimes is nothing at all... and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Page 2.. Trust the Process. Day 4

“Truth is, You know what tomorrow brings
There's not a day ahead You have not seen
So let all things be my life and breath
I want what You want Lord and nothing less"

Process...a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end...

.                        A series of actions... Time

"Aw man... You mean to tell me I have to wait in this line just to get one item?"... Does that sound familiar?
Processing can sometimes be challenging. Although there is a desire of some sort, the fact of waiting can sometimes cause you to alter your desire for something of less value... 

Have you ever settled to avoid the wait only to later on regret your decision? I have... It's life... The "right now" thinking has caused many of us a series of regret. Nevertheless, we adapt and make the necessary changes to fit the decisions we have chosen...

Society has made us think/feel that everything is microwavable... 
1... Quick food (drive-thru)
2...Groceries (self checkout)
3...Love/relationships (on-line dating)
4... Dinner (microwave)
5... Weight loss(oils, gummies,pills) 
All quick results, but if you look at it in real time, it was still done through processing...

๐ŸŽถ"O in time it could have been so much more, time is precious I know" Culture Club

 Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the  things listed above if that is your preference. I am not listing these things as a way of condemnation. No way. Understand I can't condemn you without first looking at myself. Everything listed above I have done, and in some cases still do. I am merely making a point. Nothing more, nothing less... Please don't read into what is not be said... Thanks Stimie2๐Ÿ˜‰

 Do you recall the saying "Anything worth having is worth waiting for"? It may get frustrating at times. It may, in some instances, cause you to doubt yourself and intentions. However, if you just trust in the one that makes all things possible, the processing time will be well worth the wait.  Again I say, you did not grow up overnight... You went through a stage of maturing (some), which is declared a process. Everything takes time. Just like nothing is a coincidence, nothing happens over night. Everything is a process. You reading this message is a process. 
Take time today to capture each moment. Savor time. Don't rush through you God gifted day for the sake of achievements. Breathe in, breathe out... Do something that will give you a few minutes of your time and not someone else's dealine. Trust the process of life... It pays well ๐Ÿ™‚
                                James 4:14

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938

*Each second is a gift, receive it...and as always
Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Monday, October 3, 2022

Page 1... Trust/ Betrayal Day 3

Happy New Month... Happy New Week... Happy Monday... Let's get it๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ˜˜

๐ŸŽถ"What's a man to do when he can't take no more"  Emotional Carl Thomas

Trust... firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something...
Betray...unintentionally reveal; be evidence 

When was the last time you really trusted someone according to the definition? Do you find it hard to trust someone after they have hurt/disappointed you?  Do you believe that trust is earned or given?

As quiet as it is kept, trust is one of the key wavering thoughts in any relationship, friendships, employment, government, and yes indeed family... Although we say it with our mouth, our actions show something different.

Point... You and your bestest friend are having a conversation of secret and you both promise not to discuss the conversation with anyone. It's one of those "carry to your grave conversation". Years past by until one day while talking with another associate/friend the "carry to your grave" conversation is now being spoken from the mouth of someone else. Yeah, they may not mention who told them, but you know within yourself who shared your conversation... Ummm... You play it off but deep within your emotions are going in many directions... There is goes... Trust gone...  That bestest friendship has been placed on minimum ๐Ÿค๐Ÿพ avenue... You know the saying first time dog bite, it's the dogs fault, the second time he bites you, it's your fault. Why? 5,4,3,2,1... You knew that dog had teeth...

Although you may be feeling some type of way with the broken glass of betrayal ,what if the table was turned? What if you were the one to reveal the "carry it to your grave secret" Would you be able to trust again? Would you place everyone in that same category?
 Oftentimes we place a thick shield of caution around us that causes us to not only distrust the author of betrayal (bestest), but it also causes us treat others with attitude... Do you think that is fair? Me, personally, I don't. 

Everyone has been hurt, disappointed, used, abused, in their lifetime. It's life... You are human... If you believe yourself to be the "one" that has never betrayed anyone, I salute you... You are a hell of an individual. Really, to be honest with you, I don't trust you for believing that you are beyond imperfections. It's like saying you never lie.. Stop the cap... You have/will tell a lie in your lifetime. Whether it be intentional or unintentional.
                           Romans 3:23-26
Stop being so hard on yourself. Enjoy life... Become life... We are all uniquely designed, but we all have similarities... Walking around with a shield has caused many of us to delay our journey. How? 6,5,4,3,2,1... By categorizing everyone with your past betrayals. Stop giving the enemy that kind of power. Move on. Understand this... People know when they have betrayed you without you confronting them. Sometimes you just have to be done with a smile. No need to give your precious time to petty actions... Forgive and live...
*Ponder on that... And if you still don't get it..." I'll just wait until you catch up with me"

"Let's Talk About It"
Wall's Design 252-327-4938
... and as always Peace and Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Life be Life-ing...

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're getting"  Forrest Gump Greetings... I hope that all is well with...